Chapter One

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"Guys, I've been here for two months now. How are you all still as stupid as you were then?" I joke with the people at my table.

"C'mon Jules," Alex starts, "they can't help it. It's written in a male's DNA to be stupid."

I chuckle at her jab. "Yeah, you're right. I don't even know why I'd even ask."

"Now that's just sexist," Gabe grumbles, always the dramatic one.

"Just leave them be," Eric mimics. "they can't help it. It's just a part of their DNA."

I snicker at his failed attempt at matching Alex's pitch of voice. Instead of an elusive, lilting tone, he sounds like a dying seagull. For a split second, though, our eyes meet, and I look away first, a blush steadily spreading across my cheeks. His words from the other day flash in my head causing my blush to grow redder.

"Woah Jules, you good? Your face is a deeper shade of red than my apple," Matt says, drawing the table's attention to my flustered expression.

"Holy shit," Sam laughs. "He's right. Who groped you?"

Out of habit, everyone automatically turns to face Gabe, as if he's the culprit for my blush.

"I didn't do anything," he exclaims, throwing his hands up in a surrender position.

"It's true," I justify, "I just remembered something."

Asher smirks knowingly and I glare at him, daring him to say something. I'll beat that arrogant asshole's face in.

"Hey, Eric is something going on between you and Jules?" Asher asks, but he already has full knowledge of what happened. Why do I confide in him?

Eric's voice sounds cheerful as he speaks, but his face looks strained. "Of course not. Why would you ask that?"

"Ah, I don't know. It's just, normally, you sit by her, stare at her, and overall can't seem to leave her alone.

"Yeah, so?" Eric responds. "Doesn't mean I always have to be like that. And just because I'm not like that doesn't mean something happened."

Their words ring in my ear, but Asher's right. Eric and I have been close ever since we met. We were the hands all over each other, flirting all of the time, the couple that's never "official". We didn't want that label, so we agreed not to have it or bring it up. At least until yesterday evening on the phone.

"Jules, I love you. I want to make sure I can call you mine and be the guy you deserve. I know we said no labels, but I really want this, so please just think about it."

Alex, sensing my discomfort, takes it upon herself to change the subject to our plans for the rapidly approaching Thanksgiving Break. We just continue talking like that up until the warning bell for first period. Astonishingly, Eric walks me to my class, but before I can walk in, he brings up the dreaded topic.

"I'm sorry," he whispers, resting his forehead on mine, eyes closed.

"You're fine," I respond, trying to reassure him. "I just need some time to think it over. That's all."

For the first time in months, I see a smile full of genuine hope spread across his face.

"I love you, Jules."

I can't bring myself to respond. I don't know my feelings and I don't want to lead him on. Right before I turn around, he presses his lips against mine. Then, just as sudden as his kiss, he turns and strolls off to do Lord knows what. As I step into the classroom, a nasal voice rings out from the front, bottom row.

"What. The. Fuck."

"Good morning to you too, Chelsea," I respond sarcastically.

"What is this I'm hearing about you entering an actual relationship with Eric? I was ok with you just being a side chick or his hookup, but you're not going to claim him as your own. Anyways, I know I told you what would happen if you interfered with our future," Chelsea threatens.

Like the flip of a switch, I feel my expression shift from annoyed to sinister as I respond, "One wrong move, Chels, and I'll have you removed from this goddamn state."

Her eyes widen in fear for a millionth of a second, but her expression returns to its snarky normalcy before anyone else notices.

"You don't have the capability to do that," she sneers.

Nothing in my expression nor my tone changes as the next words spill from my mouth.

"Kill me then, you dumb bitch."

Her eyes harden, determination set in, and her hand slips into her bag to reveal a small Swiss Army knife. The class explodes into a fury of yelling, screaming, and chaos as she charges towards me.


A/N: So I just want to address something. Yes, this story will accelerate quickly, that tends to be how my style is. Counting the prologue and epilogue, there will be more or less twelve chapters. I'm not registering this as a short story, though, as I don't see it as one. Thank you to all my new readers and returning readers! It means so much to me to take the time to read this. Also, as soon as I have five chapters up, I will be submitting this into the Wattys, so make sure to vote! Chapters two and maybe three will be put up tonight and I hope you enjoy!

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