Chapter 9

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             Shane always enjoyed shopping with women. Over the years, with girlfriends, live-ins, and significant others, he had come to compare it to the thrill of the hunt men experienced. Both sexes seemingly wandered about, looking around aimlessly, until they spotted their prey. Once that happened, the eyes would narrow, the breathing would quicken, as well as their steps, heartbeats would pound, and attention would focus on that which they wanted. Yes, shopping was an entertaining pastime...

                Not so with kids. Shopping with kids was Hell. And shopping for a bed with kids was right up there with getting a root canal. Oh, ten-year-old Dana stayed near her mom, and shy Darcy leaned against him quietly, head resting on his hip, but Danielle, Denise, and David? They were rug rats on Speed, running around the display beds, bouncing in the middle of the ones they could manage climbing up on, giggling while they slipped from their mom, tag-teaming her with their escapes.

                “Lookit me, Dennie! I can bounce higher! Lookee, lookee!”

                “Nooo! This ‘uns higher an’ softer!”

                “Where ya goin’, Danny? Get on my bed, Danny! Danny?”

                With all the shushing and chasing Emily did during the excursion, Shane felt sure she would pass out from hyperventilation. He’d been no help at all, a virtual statue, mesmerized by how much energy three little kids harnessed, as well as their ability to tune out anything their mother said.

                Now, driving home, the kids subdued with Mrs. Fields cookies and the bed chosen and paid for, Shane glanced across at his housekeeper, sitting holding her head up with one limp hand. She looked frazzled, curly hair fuzzing away from her head, shirt rumpled and chocolate stained from melted mall cookies.

                Returning his attention to the road, he smiled slightly and suggested, “We need to go out.”

                Emily turned to him in wide-eyed confusion, saying, “What’s this?” meaning the current excursion, looking at him as if he were nuts.

                He answered readily.

                “This? This is Hell. No, I mean you and me. On a date. You know, the two of us, dinner, movie, dancing, no kids—“He talked expressively with his hands, barely leaving one on the steering wheel as they sailed down the freeway.

                “None of us?” Darcy popped up behind Shane’s seat, and Emily replied automatically, “Get back in your seatbelt this instant, Darcy!”

                Shane turned his head slightly in reply.

                “That’s right, Sweetie. Just your mom and me. I think she deserves a night out, don’t you?”

                “No. Who’ll tuck us in?” This from David, a belligerent look gracing his face in the rear-view mirror. Shane grinned to himself at the child’s pout.

                Emily appeared rooted in shock. A date? With the handsome millionaire she happened to work for? She hadn’t dated since before Darrell, over fifteen years ago! What do you do on dates nowadays? What does the man expect? What did she expect? My God, his kisses –

                Mom should go—“

                “I don’ wan’ her to go-o-o!”

                “Quit being a baby, David!”

                “David’s a baby! David’s a baby!—“

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