Chapter 11

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              Once the slow, seductive notes from a sexy saxophone flowed out onto the sidewalk, Shane realized The White House restaurant, nearly opposite the Hotel Laguna, should have been his destination all along. The tension in Emily’s body seemed to ebb away with every step that carried them closer to the music from this venue. Stepping through the patio and into the eatery, Shane and Emily spied the quartet playing in the rear of the establishment, while couples swayed on the parquet dance floor. The place was standing room only, with some patrons still finishing up meals, but most danced, talked, or drank in quieter tones.  Definitely on a lower energy level compared to Club M, this hot spot appeared to help Emily feel more comfortable.

                The woman in question turned her face to Shane’s, commenting, “This is more like what I was expecting. Dance clubs really have changed since Darrell and I dated. I still can’t believe you frequent that other place. Oh, wait a sec!”

              She glanced around the darkened space, spying a couple rising from their table.  Shooting like an arrow to the now vacant spot, Emily narrowly beat out another couple to the table. She sat proprietarily, while Shane followed more slowly, smiling as he realized what a conundrum Emily was turning out to be. Shy like a church mouse with men and her own sexuality, yet ready to fight for what she felt was right, especially regarding her family. He liked all her layers, and found discovering what lay beneath Emily’s surface became more fascinating the longer he knew her.

                “Let’s get a coupla drinks, so we can hold our table when we dance,” she stated, while Shane waved a hand to the waitress. Another beer was good for him, but he wanted Emily in full use of her faculties later, when he attempted to seduce her more strenuously. She ordered a glass of white wine, excusing herself to the restroom after. Shane half stood as she left, a gallant gesture not lost on Emily, by the look of her gentle smile. As was his habit, Shane studied the men in the room as they watched Emily. He was not surprised to see heads turn as she made her way to the ladies’ room. Emily possessed a lovely innocence people noticed, these wolves in the bar no exception.

                Rejuvenated by an empty bladder and a new coat of lipstick, Emily wended her way back to Shane, admiring him as she approached. She knew where this evening could lead, if she let it. The question was, was she ready for the next step? The butterflies in her stomach, as well as the slight breathlessness she got whenever she was near Shane, told her she might be through mourning.

                Something slow and romantic trembled forth from the quartet. Emily startled Shane by reaching out and grabbing his hand as it lay on his armrest, pulling him to his feet while saying, “Let’s dance.”

                Fumbling his beer back onto the table, Shane followed Emily’s lead to the small dance floor, encouraged by her bold maneuver. Emboldened by her earlier sips of wine, Emily wrapped slim arms around Shane’s neck, burrowing her face in the crook of his neck and collarbone, inhaling his unique scent of clean male and sexy aftershave, reveling in how good his body felt against hers.

               Since the music pulsed slowly they began swaying to the beat, Shane tilting his own head to bury in her curls. He felt a shiver tremble through her body, curving his lips against her skin. His own arms slipped around Emily’s waist, hands at the small of her back guiding her up against his own body. The way her curves fit his form shot desire arrowing through him, centering in the one part of his anatomy that threatened to take over all decision making processes. In this close embrace Shane knew Emily couldn’t mistake the effect she had on him; by how close she held herself against him, Shane guessed she was feeling the same sexual pull.

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