Chapter 16

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                The first odd phone call came a few days after the Orrman party, while Emily, her kids, and Shane played Frisbee on the beach. With the fog burning off early, a glorious California summer day at the beach promised the sand would be crowded, though Shane staked his beach area out simply by being loud, obnoxious, and a lousy receiver. After he ran over his third tourist’s towel, that person got the picture and moved up the beach. It also helped having the twins running willy-nilly under the Frisbee, similar to the game Keep Away, squealing at full volume every time it flew over.

                 Emily found herself mentally comparing Shane’s social skills to David’s and Denise’s, and coming up with an even measuring stick. The thought brought a grin as she effortlessly caught the flying disc and tossed it gently to Darcy, who showed great prowess at the game. She in turn threw it to Shane, of course, who intentionally lobbed it into the surf so that all the kids could get wet. Shouting at him in exasperation, they raced through the water happily, regardless. Emily stood by, arms akimbo, as the author jogged up to her, leaning on his knees theatrically and taking deep breaths. Shirtless and in orange printed cargo board shorts with a bandana tied over his hair, he appeared by far the most arresting male on the beach, at least in Emily’s opinion.

                “Thought I’d try to wear them out a bit. Is it working?” Still in his bent over position, Shane canted a looked up at Emily, eyes hidden behind his sunglasses.

                “No. You’ll wear out before they do. What time did you get up? You were already gone by six thirty.” Eyes met through dark lenses, expressions softening in turn.

                 Shane straightened, glancing at the kids tussling over the Frisbee. It hadn’t gotten violent yet, so he replied, “Five, five thirty, somewhere around in there. I woke up with an alternate scene for my book, so I ran with it. Glad I didn’t wake you up leaving. At least I can still wear you out… Hey, Dana, send it here! ...Ah, shit! I don’t think I’ve caught a single pass, do you?” Shane asked Emily innocently, passing over his earlier comment even as she lowered her sunglasses to pin him with a look.

                “What?” He grinned, hands palm upwards, before turning and chasing down the blasted Frisbee before David took off with it like a rabid dog.

                While Emily watched the kids running after Shane the Pied Piper, she heard her phone ring, and pulled it out of her swim short pocket.


                “How much do you charge?”

                Emily frowned at her cell, then replied, “You have the wrong number,” and hit the disconnect button, thinking nothing more of the odd question.

                 Dropping her phone back into her pocket, she headed to their icebox and pulled out a juice drink, settling on the one towel not covered in sand yet. The troops arrived seconds later, raiding the cooler and plopping a little ways ahead of the two adults, chattering like seagulls. Shane dropped down on the towel slightly behind Emily, leaning forward to place a peck on her shoulder before grabbing a thirty-two ounce Gatorade bottle and guzzling it; Emily caught herself watching his throat work while he drank and she glanced away, mentally chastising herself for her sorry infatuation with the man.

                “Are we ready to pack it in, guys?” she asked hopefully, even as they all chorused, “Nooo!”

                “Well, play in the sand for a while, so we can sit,” Emily suggested, and for once everyone complied, agreeing to build the Matterhorn from Disneyland. Sitting cross-legged, Emily glanced over at Shane, who had stretched out, resting on his left elbow. Leaning in, he now kissed her kneecap and then looked up into her shaded eyes.

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