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What is that sound.


Please make it stop.


Oh just kill me now!


Laura grunted angrily beside me as I lazily reached for my phone beside the nightstand still with my eyes closed. Whoever it was better have a good reason for calling.

"Hello?" I say angrily and very much tired.

Can't a girl just sleep peacefully and not be bothered.

"I'm sorry, were you sleeping?"

"No Einstein. I was on the field playing football with hot football players."

"Oh. No need for the sarcasm love."


I rubbed my hands over my face sleepily, I was more awake now.

"Why would you call this early? Are you normal?"

"Someone's cranky and look out the window, the sun is fully out."

"What are you talking about? its dark here."

"Shut it!" Laura groaned beside me, turning to her other side to continue sleeping.

"Open the curtains," Scott said.

I sluggishly got out of bed and opened the curtains. I winced at the bright light blinding my eyes.

"Ah! I'm going blind. Help!"

I glanced back to see Laura covering her eyes with the blanket.
I heard Scott chuckle at the other end of the line.

"I see what you mean now. Please don't mind my very hung over friend."

"No problem."

"Why did you call? I mean I'm glad you did but still." I mentally smack my head for sounding so stupid.

"Oh I don't know. I thought normally when a person collects someone's number the next thing would be to call?"

"True. How stupid of me."

"I know."

"Are you calling me stupid?"

"How can I?"

I shook my head at him, which he didn't see of course.

"I have to go, my friend looks like she's about to murder me."

The sound of his laughter filled the other end of the line.

"If you don't hear from me within an hour or two. Call the cops."

"Sure thing love."


"You look terrible."

"I feel terrible. Why didn't you stop me last night."

"I don't know. I didn't want to intrude."

"Intrude what?"

"Your face swallowing competition with Matt." I said as I poured more syrup on my pancake.

Laura muttered some words under her breath that I couldn't really catch as she grudgingly dropped her empty plate into the kitchen sink and stormed off.

I hadn't got the chance to ask her about the secret she almost spilled last night.

Besides who am I to judge. I also broke the rule by not telling her why I was sulking in the first place. This is the first time she's keeping something from me.

I was a very reserved person and she understood that it takes time before I open up.
Normally with a lot of cajoling.

She didn't push me, so I won't push her.

She has her secret and I have mine.

My phone vibrated and I picked it up eagerly to check the new message. A small frown formed on my lips when I saw the message was from Scott and not Sean. I scroll down a little to see if Sean had sent a message I might've missed, but there were none from him.

What was I thinking? Sean doesn't care about me.

I sighed and opened Scott's message.

Its been over an hour. Are you dead yet? :(

My lips formed a wide smile when I read the message. I began typing my reply.

ME: Yes. yes I am.
It just happened to be that I came down from heaven specifically to type a reply to your text :)

SCOTT: I always knew you fell from heaven ;)

Me: Are you flirting with me?

Scott: And if I was?

I debated on what to type next. How exactly do you respond to that.

Me: Thanks for the concern Scott.

Scott: Woah did I do something wrong? a boyfriend I should know of?

I felt my chest constrict as I read the message.
Did I have a boyfriend? no.
So what exactly was my problem.

Me: None and you did nothing wrong.

As soon as I dropped my phone on the table it began to ring.
Scott's ID showed up.

I stared at the phone not knowing if I should pick up or not. What good would it do anyways.

It goes the same way; We go out a few times, he confesses what he feels about me and then he runs far away because I'm not good enough and never will be.

The ringing finally stopped but began again almost immediately.
I exhaled loudly as I answered the call and brought the phone slowly to my ear.


"Daughter! its been so long! will you be coming home soon hon?"

"Mom?" I pulled at the roots of my hair angrily.

I thought it was Scott. Now I really wished I had picked up my phone at the first ring .

"Of course dear. Where you expecting someone else?"

"No. No. No. No." at every 'no' I pull my hair harder. I might get bald if I keep going.
"I just um missed you so much. Its really um overwhelming to hear your angelic voice again."

Oh please somebody shoot me now and quick!

Why was she calling? she definitely needs something. The bad part is that when she needs something she takes it. There was no getting out of this.

"Oh that's nice dear. You need to come home."


"Darling I wasn't giving you room for questions."

I kept quiet, trying to contain myself.

"You are coming home." she said her tone flat.

"Oh and say hello to Laura for me."

And she hung up.

PS: Don't forget to vote ;)

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