Nightwing| Lost Girl.

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This was a request so here it goes. 

Y/N= Your Name

SH/ N= Superhero Name.


Dick's P.O.V.

"Nightwing!" Robin yells as he runs my way. I raise a brow at him as he smiles slightly.

"They found her, they found SH/N." He states. Everything seems to slow down as I take in his words, I look behind him and find Barbara who smiles and nods in confirmation.

"Where? Where is she?" I ask him as he sighs.

"Batcave." He tells me. With that information I was set, I walk past him and Barbara, heading straight to the zeta tubes. I can hear both of them following me but pay no attention to it.

Y/N was back, she was here. She was alive, just like I had suspected.

I pay no attention to the stinging feeling of the zeta tubes, simply lost in my own thoughts. Thoughts of Y/N, and how she was here. How she had disappeared long ago.

It was a simple mission, we had the upper hand, Bruce, Y/N and I. And then the room filled with smoke. I was quick to act, quickly putting on a gas mask, and I kept fighting, not bothering to check on Bruce or Y/N. They could protect themselves, they always had. Hell, my girlfriend was a better fighter then I was. But when the smoke cleared something was different, she was gone. Y/N was gone.

"Batman!" I shout his way after knocking down another mask clad villain.

"Y/N's gone!" I yell his way and she was. After successfully disarming everyone we searched, and searched, and searched. Recruiting the rest of the boys and even a few league members. Wally was first on scene, demanding to know where his best friend had gone.

After a few months of searching everyone gave up, even Wally had begun to lose hope, but Y/N couldn't just be gone. It was impossible, she had to be somewhere. So I kept looking, often coming to dead ends.

But she was here now and that was all the mattered.

I stop in my tracks when I see her, her long H/C hair was now cut down to her chest. She was thinner, paler, but she was alive.

"Nightwing." I hear Batman call but I ignore him, trying to get to Y/N.

A hand grips my arm and I'm pulled back. Turning around I find Batman standing with a unusual look on his face. Was it worry?

"I have to see her." I argue as he sighs.

"That might not be a good idea." He states lowly.

"What? She's my girlfriend I need to see her!" I exclaim.

"Nightw-" He starts to say though I quickly walk away ignoring him. I head straight towards her in a hurry.

"She doesn't remember us!" Batman yells at me. I stop, brows furrowed before turning to him.

"Whatever Scarecrow did to her, it erased us from her memory. She has no clue who we are." Bruce states. I turned to her and stepped closer.

"Dick." Bruce calls, everyone in the room knew about our secret identities so there was no need to hide.

"Y/N." I call. Her brows furrow as I step closer, she looks confused, scared even.

"You remember me, I know you do." I state. She shakes her head, moving back a bit.

"I-I'm sorry, I don't know you." She stutters. I ignore the pang in my heart and reach for my mask, taking it off in hopes of jogging her memory.

Her eyes widen a small smile pulling on her lips, tears falling from her eyes.

"Dick?" She asks in shock. I smile before she throws herself in to my arms. I sigh in relief as I wrap my arms around her waist.

"I knew you wouldn't forget me." I mumble lowly as I pull her closer.

"You kept me alive bird boy, when I was ready to give up I thought of you." She whispered. I look up, behind her to where Bruce sat. He nods once before walking away, Tim and Barbara following.

I had got her back, I had gotten my lost girl back.


Sorry for the late update guys, this was a request so here it goes, sorry if it wasn't good. Next is probably Roy's pt 3. Anyone reading the Rebirth Comics, Nightwing has to be my favorite.

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