CK: Project L pt 2.

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Y/N = Your Name
SH/ N = Superhero Name.

So this point is a continuation to Project Ti, taking place about a month after the first part.


Your P.O.V.

"Alright SH/N, Conner, you two are up."  Nightwing orders. You nod as you step on to the circle with Conner in toe.

"Powers are allowed." Dinah states as you nod. You glance up at Conner before the circle lights up.

"Go." At the sound of the former Robin's voice Conner moves, leaping forward and aiming his fist at your face. You dodge his punch, ducking under his fist and punching his chest.

Conner groans and sends another punch towards me, successfully hitting you in the jaw and sending you staggering back. You land on your back and he quickly moves your way, though before he could land a hit on you, you had kicked you legs out, hitting him in the chest and throwing him back. You jump up as Conner glares your way.

He smirks before running your way, you analyze his moves quickly before glancing at Nightwing and Wally quickly. Wally nods as you turn and watch Conner grow close. He throws a punch at the same time you let the Titanium coating take over your body.

You catch his punch easily, the force of it sending you skidding back, though you luckily stayed in the circle.

"That a girl!" Wally shouts as you twist Conner's arm and throw him back. He groans as he lands on the hard floor, outside of the glowing circle.

"That was amazing SH/N!" Garfield yells as you laugh. You allow the titanium covering to slowly disappear, the tinging sensation tickling your skin.

"Thanks Gar." You mutter as Nightwing stops in front of you.

"You ok?" He asks you, you nod and take a deep breath.

"It takes a lot out of me." You muse as he nods and places a hand on your shoulder.

"Well you're getting a lot better." He states as you smile before taking a seat on the floor causing him to laugh.

"I'll grab you some water." He mutters before leaving the room.

"You're good." Conner mutters causing you to glance up at him. You smile as he takes a step towards you before sitting down next to you.

"Thanks." You mumble before staying quiet. A few hours later, while you sat in your room trying to busy yourself the com went off, Nightwing's voice ringing throughout the mountain calling everyone to a mission briefing.

"Alright guys, as you know after last months prison break we still have many criminals running the streets, one of those is Winslow Schott." Nightwing states as picture pop up on all the screens.

"Toyman." Robin states as Nightwing nods.

"We have reason to believe that he has been planning something since his escape and sources confirm he's planning something big... tonight."

"Peachy." You mutter causing McFly to laugh.

"Alright Alpha and Gamma will both go to the two location were he's to release his plan while Beta goes to try and capture Schott himself." Nightwing orders.

"Batgirl will lead Alpha with Megan, Garfield, Bee, and Impulse. I'll lead Beta with Conner, SH/N,  KF and Beetle, everyone else is Gamma." Nightwing orders before sending us off.

The Toyman had chosen a warehouse as his hideout, typical I know. It looked pretty deserted, but a scan from Blue confirmed the warehouse was occupied.

"Alright, go in, make sure to stay in stealth mode." Nightwing orders. KF picked you up and ran, dropping you only when you were inside the warehouse.

"Let's go." Nightwing orders. He goes first, rushing to hide behind some crates and motioning us to do the same.

You hide behind some large boxes, Conner next to you as KF rushes to Nightwing who was busy looking past the crates.

"Got eyes on Toyman." He states in to the coms.

"Same here Hermano." Jaime states.

"Any eyes on his weapons Beetle?" Nightwing asks.

"Yeah, dude they're ten foot tall robots, clown robots."  Beetle states causing Conner to groan.

"Out of everything in the world, it had to be clowns." Conner mutters lowly. You crack a grin and turn to him.

"At least it's not monkeys." You muse. He rolls his eyes.

"Gar tell you?" He asks as you shrug.

"There's also a picture of you cowering away from one on the fridge." You muse.

"Alright guys, attack from all sides, I need enough time to hack the system and disarm all the bots." Nightwing orders. You take a deep breath and turn to Dick just as he holds out two fingers and points to our target. In a split second we had moves. KF runs off and you can hear Beetles lasers going off. You get out of your hiding spot and rush forward. The giant robots walked forward us as Beetle lands next to us.

"These things can take quite a hit." He states as Conner growls.

"Let's see how well." He snaps before running towards one and sending a punch. The robot gets thrown back a bit though is soon flinging his hand out, hitting Conner in the chest and sending him flying through the air. Jaime flies up to catch him, the pair soon tumbling to the ground.

You glance up, before running forward, sliding underneath the legs of the robot and turning around as you let the titanium cover your body before punching the bot. It falls forward and Jaime soon sends shoots a canon at the robots head.

"One down." He announces as KF stops next to you while the titanium disappears.

"Three to go." He states out of breath, you turn and find his bot tied up in thick chain.

"Wing you may want to speed up." You state in to the com.

"Trying to, any eyes on Toyman?" He asks as you look around.

"No." You state before turning to face another large robot.

"And his robots sure aren't retreating." Wally mused just as a strong blow sends you flying back.

"SH/N!" Conner yells, you gasp and look up, taking a deep breath before Conner appears in your line of sight.

"You okay?" He asks as you nod before noticing the robot about to slam it's hand down on him. In a quick motion you flip the two of you over and let the titanium cover your body. You feel the impact of it and groan before a loud cannon fires and the robot is thrown back.

"SH/N?" Beetle asks as he drops next to you. You let out a breath as you fall to the side.

"I'm good." You manage to whisper as both boys raise a brow.

"Bots are down." Nightwing says through the coms as you turn to Conner and chuckle.

"You owe me one clone boy." You muse as Jaime helps you up.

"Toymans M.I.A. but for now we're safe." Dick states as you nod.

"Now how about we get back to the mountain so you guys can rest."  Nightwing mumbles. You chuckle and nod, noticing how Conner's eyes kept snapping towards you.


This one is a long one. Anyways here's the continuation of Project Ti. So anything you'd like to see?

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