The Damning Proof

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Joshua blinked rapidly, confused and dizzy. He had been near blinded by the explosion. Apparently, he had landed on one of the brothers, judging by a low groan coming from beneath him. He clambered up, searching for her. She wasn't standing where she had been. He spotted a prone figure on the ground and his eyes widened.


Kasey and the Earl had been blasted to opposite ends of the room, their clothes singed, but looking none the worse for wear. Rochester looked like he had fainted. Kasey was awake and dazedly brushing her clothes. Joshua reached her in a few swift strides, bending down to help her up. He scuffed at her sooty chin, but she barely noticed, staring beyond him at the Earl, looking pale.

Joshua surveyed the scene, shocked. What on earth had happened? A quick inspection showed a melted candelabra on the table right beside where they had been questioning the earl. He studied it. He remembered a flash, like a huge ball of fire erupting between Kasey and Rochester and throwing them off with its force, momentarily blinding them all before disappearing within the next instant. What on earth had caused a few little candles to spark like that—and with such force? And had they even been lit in the first place?

He shook his head. Of course they had been lit.

"He did it." Tony groaned, standing up. Apparently he had been the one Joshua crushed, "Finally."

"He finally revealed himself." Kasey whispered, "Did you feel it?"

"I felt it." Dick whispered, frozen like a statue at the other end of the room.

"Me too." Tony said. They were all staring at the Rochester like he had sprouted two heads.

"It wasn't just any glimmer—it was..."

"It felt like Kohl." Dick said hoarsely, "Haven't felt that since I left the castle. Good God."

Tony nodded. They shared glances, starting to look grim.

"What're are you three talking about?" Joshua asked wearily. They ignored him.

"It's gone again." Kasey said, and the brothers nodded, looking like they were concentrating on feeling something, "He let it out and now it's undetectable again. It was like an explosion and now...nothing."

"How is that possible?" Dick asked in a hushed voice, "He had no training to veil his essence so effortlessly. He doesn't even know he has it!"

"We may never know." Tony remarked in awe.

"Trained in what? Magic?" Joshua took a deep breath, "Are you listening to yourselves?" he frowned suspiciously, "Is this some kind of a joke?"

"Your brother just displayed a rare branch of magic, Joshua...the imprint of which is that of the noblest bloodline within our realm. He shall be tested further, but there's a very real chance that he is who we think he is." Tony looked at Joshua, "Our crown prince."

Joshua was shaking his head slowly, "Not this again. This is absolutely..."

"Don't worry about it." Kasey said abruptly, "Soon this will be over, and you shall have no memory of it."

"I doubt it." Joshua muttered.

Dick was prodding the Earl with his toe, "What happens to you if this man disappears or dies, Joshua?" he asked casually.

Joshua had an insane urge to laugh. He was slowly becoming convinced these three were playing a horrible joke "If you think I'll bloody let you—"

"Just answer the question."

Joshua rolled his eyes, "I shall inherit his title, I suppose."

"Well, then," Tony smiled, "I guess we just made you a Lord, then. Glad we could do something for you. It was nice knowing you, future Earl Rochester." He reached forward to shake Joshua's hand.

Joshua let out an exasperated breath, not even dignifying that with a reply.

"I doubt old Sebastian would rejoice much, knowing that it's him that's his grandson." Dick muttered, staring critically at the prone Earl.

"We've all had years of imagining a noble...righteous..." Kasey took a deep breath, "Everyone's expectations are a little overblown at this point."

"I think we should be leaving." Tony said quietly, "Now that we have found him, it's not safe to dally where magic isn't strong. If anyone gets wind of this then there's a possibility of being attacked, and its best to be with the army—"

Kasey nodded, looking torn. She glanced at Joshua, her eyes getting sadder by the minute. Then she looked over her shoulder. "You may come out now, Jalal."

A piratical man with curly dark hair and bronze skin materialized out of thin hair. Joshua jumped back, a growl rising in his throat, "What the—?"

"It's alright, Joshua." Kasey said, her voice calm, "he was there all along. He can manipulate minds...he just made you think you didn't see him."

Joshua shot her an exasperated look at her continuing ridiculous assertions, and then back at the intruder, wonder if he had slipped in through the window when he hadn't been looking. "Like hell he was." The man was staring meaningfully into Joshua's eyes, as if trying to burn holes in them. His eyes were almost uncomfortably black.

"Listen, the three of you. There's someone with a sick sense of humour working you. I will help, if only you—" he stopped midsentence, frowning at the man, unable to look away from his eyes. He shook his head, feeling numb. Dizzy. He felt the world swimming—

"Wait, Jalal!" Kasey suddenly cried out, "Not yet!"

Joshua felt as if a vacuum released, and he staggered back, grabbing a chair.

"What on earth is it now?" Tony asked irritably.

She didn't answer, biting her lips, looking dismayed. Dick frowned at Kasey in concentration.

"Kasey..." Dick's voice was low with warning, "You can't be feeling this way...We're supposed to disappear from here."

"Shut up." Kasey raised her hand, staring at Joshua, "Just give me a moment."

She stepped around a chair, walking towards him, her expression intent. Joshua stiffened, his innards tensing even as he kept his hands by his side. He wouldn't harm her, even if judging by that intent look in her eyes, she was preparing to go to battle. Her mouth was set in a fierce little line.

A frown tightened his brow, "Don't think about it." he warned.

"You won't remember it anyways." She whispered when she reached him, looking up at him with pale green eyes pooling with regret. She reached up, her hand sliding over his cheek. "You're a good man, Joshua Dashwood. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

That wasn't what he had expected. His heart started pounding. "This sounds like a goodbye. Kasey, I'm not letting you--"

"Find a nice girl, and settle down with her."

His brows flew up, "Where is this coming from?"

"If anyone slanders you, you better rip them limb from limb...secretly, of course." she whispered. Her smile was rueful, but her eyes glittered with regret. He felt her tears like a physical pain.

"And if any woman does this to you better remember me as your favourite."


She jumped up, throwing up her arms around his neck.

And kissed him.

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