chapter 9 - tyler & jenna

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tyler: dude I need you to come over right now

sent 1:01 pm

josh: why.

tyler: okay i'll come over

josh: what?? 

tyler: you're at your old studio apt. right?

josh: yeah. WHY

tyler: i'll explain when i get there. 

read 1:10 pm


tyler practically jumps out of the car and rushes into the place where he and josh used to live, he walked up the stairs and knocked on the door, there was only two other people that lived in the same complex as josh. when tyler knocked on the door again growing impatient, it swung open and there stood a tired, lanky, red eye, smelly josh dun. 

the brunette waved the fumes away from his nose and said, "what the hell died in here?"

"my heart." mumbled josh

" dude, it's going to be okay." he said walking into the dark cold apartment, shutting the door behind him.

"no, no it's not" josh said sitting firmly on the couch, placing his forehead in his hands.

"i guess now's not a good time to bring this up.." he said softly putting his chin in his hand.

"what?" asked the faded red haired boy.

"um, i came here to ask for your help.." he said clearing his throat. 

"spit it out, man." josh said standing up

"i'm going to propose to jenna" tyler said, swallowing hard and shoving his hands in the pockets of his black skinny jeans, flicking his eyes to the carpet. "well.. I'll help you, y'know anything for my best fren." josh said with a smile 

"awh, thanks, dude" tyler said bringing josh into a small hug. "you need to shower, you smell like a dog."

Josh agrees but let's his curiosity roam, 

"so what did you have in mind?"

and he began to explain, whilst Josh cleaned himself up.


"tyler c'mon!" josh said as he was about to open the door.

"i'm coming, i have to tie my tie"

"come here" he said, tyler walked up to him with a knotted tie, 

"you did it all wrong" he said laughing

"yeah, i can tell" the brunette smirked

as josh finished tying tylers tie they walked out to the car and got into tylers black cadillac escalade. tyler immediately turned the radio on while also turning on the heat. 

"okay, so first we're going to pick up debby" tyler said as he pulled out of the lot.

"dude what the fuck?" josh said angrily, turning his attention to tylers face 

"okay, um just.." tyler cuts himself off and digs around in the glove box for some earbuds, and pulls out a pair, "use these"

"no dude, you know how much she hates me, and its just.." a lump started to form in my throat and i looked out the window to try and find comfort. a few minutes later i plugged the earbuds into my phone and played a blink - 182 song, it was sober. 

"i know i messed up and it might be over.. but let me call you when i'm sober. i'm a dandelion and you're a four leaf clover, but let me call you when i'm sober."

heartbeat ; jebbyWhere stories live. Discover now