Chapter 5

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Ara heard numerous hooves pounding the packed earth. Standing weakly, she crested the doorway in time to see Cohen dismount. He patted Gyniv on the neck as one of his men led her away. Only then did her turn to look at her pale face. "You should be resting," he said softly.

"Did you find them?"

He looked away. "They were long gone by the time we arrived. The men and the nearest outpost were brutally murdered—one only inches from lighting the signal fire." Cohen searched her. "You know they'll never stop."

She felt her legs giving way beneath her and she swayed. Cohen caught her arm. "I've thought of little else since you left," she said as he steered her toward a chair. "The Assassins don't even have to engage me, just prick me with a darith coated arrow. How do I defend myself against that?" Zacar was now in as much danger, but Ara thought better than to voice her concerns to Cohen.

As if called by her thoughts, Zacar appeared in the doorway. "Feeling alright, Ara?"

Ara ignored his question. "You know they'll be after you too."

His eye met hers, and she saw the recklessness residing there. He lifted a small glass vile hanging from a chain around his neck. "They won't take me alive."

Shocked at seeing the poison, she thought of how quickly Zehlin had knocked him unconscious. A vile of poison wouldn't save him from the torture that awaited his compassion.

"Ara." Cohen began carefully. "Kanovian Assassins rarely fail. I'm going to assign a guard to you, and I don't want you leaving the main camp."

Ara fixed her nearly black eyes on Cohen. She wanted to scream that she'd not allow her freedom stripped from her, but she knew Cohen only sought her safety. Still, she couldn't agree. Not yet. Wearily, she started moved toward the stairs. "I'm so tired."

Without asking for permission, Cohen swept her into his arms and jogged up the stairs as Zacar watched darkly from the doorway.

Too tired to care, Ara rested her head on Cohen's shoulder. "Does this mean that I'll have to give up swimming as well?"

Cohen grunted bitterly. "I haven't swum since that last time with you." He opened her door and eased her onto her bed. Before he'd even pulled the covers up, she was asleep. Cohen watched her breathing warily for a moment. When he was certain she was asleep, he leaned down and pressed his lips to her forehead. "I'm so sorry, Ara. My pride won't get in the way again." He squeezed his eyes shut tightly against the image of Ara swimming with Zacar. "It should have been me. I could have protected you.

 I could have protected you

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