Chapter 01

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I have been in this orphanage for a long time. Well, the owner said I was brought in here at age two by a police officer. That my parents were killed. I am seventeen now.

I think a couple is coming today. I get dressed and I brush my matey all curls. I let out a sigh, I doubt the couple will want me. They never do. They always want the stuck up, preppy girls. It does make me angry, but there is nothing I can do.

"Rose, are you ready?" Mona, the owner, asks me, at snug at my room door. My roommate is done out in the lobby.

"Yeah, I guess so." I reply with a sad sigh before following Mona into the lobby.

I see a tan man with buff muscles and a woman with a scar down her face, as if se were mauled by a bear. I smile at her, he eyes light up at me, as the other girls look disgusted.

The man follows the woman's gaze and his brown eyes land on me. I smile shyly and I mess around with my extra long sleep. My flat stomach is in full show. I wrap my arms around my flat, tan stomach.

"What's your name?" I hear a kind female voice ask.

I look up and see the lady with the man. "Rose Carter." I reply.

"I'm Emily Young and this is my fiancée, Samuel Uley." She smile. "Mona?" 

"Yes, ma'am." Mona asks coming over.

"We'd like to adopt Rose." Samuel says.

Mona cheers. "You guys know she has been here since she was brought here at the age of two?" Mona rambles on as she hands them my paper work.

I snap out of my shocked trance and I run back to my room. I grab my bags and I start loading clothes and shoes into each bag. I grab my things and I walk to the lobby.

"Are you ready, Rose Uley?" Emily asks.

"Yes." I smile at her and Samuel.

"You can call me Sam until your are comfortable with saying dad." Sam says.

"Thank you for not forcing me to call you dad." I smile.

"I would never." Sam promises and helps load my bags.

"Where am I going to be living now?" I ask as homily starts the Jeep Wrangler.

"La Push. It's a reservation." Emily replies.

I nod and I watch the trees passing by as Emily drives along the roads of Seattle, Washington.

I am actually quite surprised that they wanted me. I kind of knew she'd choose me by the way her eyes lit up at my smiling at her.

I smile when I see the sign welcoming us into La Push. This is a small town. It is so small and cozy, I think I might like it here.

Emily turns into a dirt path surrounded by trees. The parks at a wood cabin. I love it.

"I like it." I smile.

"I will design your room. It should be ready before you go to bed." Emily says as we enter the nice little cabin.

"Okay." I smile and I sit on the couch beside a boy about sixteen.

"I'm Seth." The boy greets.

"I'm Rose. Sam and Emily just adopted me." I smile and I shake his hand.

"Our friends will be over tomorrow. You can meet them." Seth says.

"Okay." I smile.

"Do you go to school?" He asks. What is with the twenty questions??

"I graduated early last year." I reply honestly.

"Sweet. So your smart ?" He laughs.

"I guess you can say that." I laugh too.

Seth is okay. He is a year younger than I am. He has a sister. He says her name is Leah. She and Sam had a thing before Emily came around.

"Sam and Emily are perfect for each other." I comment.

Seth nods in agreement and a girl with buff shoulders walks in.

"That's Leah." Seth says.

I nod and u go to the room Emily just finished. It is so pretty.

I smile and I thank Emily by hugging her

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I smile and I thank Emily by hugging her. "Thanks mom." I whisper.

She starts crying. I hold her and soothe her. She finally calms down and tells me to get settled and unpacked. I do as told.

I unpack all of my clothes and I start to hook up my laptop. I connect it to wifi and I close it. I don't use it much.

Emily calls for dinner after an hour. I walk out wearing some pajamas. I sit at one end of the table and I sigh. I called Emily mom. But I'm not ready to call Sam dad.

"Sam. She called me mom." Emily smiles with glossy eyes.

"That's good." Sam say.

"Sam, I hope I don't anger you, but I am still not ready to call you dad." I mutter.

"I'm not mad. I understand." He nods in understanding.

I finish eating my burger and fries before dismissing myself to the bathroom. I take off my pajamas and I get in the shower. When I'm clean, I dry off and out my pajamas back on.

I go to my room and I look out my small window. I like it here. I will meet Sam and Seth's friends tomorrow. Am I ready? No, but I cannot be afraid of people forever.

I go to the living room. I hug Emily as Sam and tell them goodnight. I go back to my room and I lock my door behind me. I walk over to my bed and I climb in under the fuzzy blanket Emily gave me from her room she was saving for when her daughter , when she got one, to have when she reached rest teenage years.

I turn and face the wall and u start humming to myself, which sometimes helps me fall asleep. My eyes begin to get heavy. Maybe I really am tired. I continue to hum to myself until my eyes finally close. I easily fall asleep.

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