Chapter 03

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I am meeting the 'Cullen' family today. Jacob Black is walking with me. Evidently, Forks isn't too far, if you walk through the woods. I guess I understand. The bonfire is tonight, I am so ready for it.

I put on some real short jean shorts and a cropped sporty shirt. I put on my white converse low tops. I brush my natural waves. I go to the living room and see Jacob waiting. His eyes widen at me and he smiles.

"Let's go, shall we?" He asks with a chuckle.

"We shall." I curtsy and I follow behind him.

Jacob takes my hand in a friendly manner and we take off towards the woods.

"Just don't walk in the woods alone." Jacob says as we get midways in the woods.

"Okay." I nod. I won't listen, I'm a hard headed teenager.

We get to a creek. This is pretty. I smile and I jump in the water.

"The land on the other side of the creek is Forks." Jacob says.

I nod and I climb into the Forks land. Jacob joins me and he walks me to a huge mansion. Whoa.

Jacob walks in and has me join. We walk to the second level and there is a group of pale people with golden-brown eyes. But there is on girl with dull brown eyes.

"Guys, this is Sam's adopted daughter." Jacob says.

"Hello, what's your name?" The brown eyed girl asks.

"Rose." I reply.

"I'm Rosalie. People usually. Call me Rose." A beautiful blond says.

"That's a pretty name. You're very pretty. All of you are. Even you, brown eyes." I giggle.

"My name is Bella." Brown eyes says with a low laugh.

"Bella.... I like it." I say sitting beside we. Jacob is smiling at my happiness.

"I'm Carlisle." The foster dad says. "This is my wife Esme. These are our foster kids; Edward, Jasper, Alice, Emmett, and Rosalie."

"Do you like working on cars?" Rosalie asks.

"Yeah. I love it. At the orphanage, they all  asked me to fixed messed up vans. The things under the hood of a can are all together." I shudder at the memory. "I've worked on Japanese cars, they are jumbled together, but I'd rather work on them that a van."

"I think you've won Rosalie's heart." Emmett jokes as Rosalie's face lights up.

"I like you." Rosalie says. "Are you in school?"

"I graduated early." I reply.

"Sweet. You should come back tomorrow. No mu ...... No Jacob." Rosalie says.

"Okay." I smile and I look at Jacob.

"Are you hungry, Rose?" Esme asks.

"No ma'am. Thanks anyways." I reply.

She smiles and nods. She takes a seat beside Carlisle. He wraps his arm around her shoulder an kisses her forehead. I smile at their love, I wish I had something like that.

"Are you ready to head home for the bonfire?" Jacob asks.

"Sure. I'll see you tomorrow." I smile.

"I'll walk her to the creek. Someone can meet me. I don't want her walking alone in the woods. Sam and Paul would kill me." Jacob says.

Why Paul? He evidently don't like me like that..... I ignore it and I follow Jacob outside this nice house. Jacob and I enter the woods.

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