Chapter 10

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I dress in my brown sweats and a gray training bra. I put on my converse and I go to the bathroom.

I am putting my hair in a high pony tail when Paul walks in and wraps his arms around me from behind. "Hello, sleeping beauty."

He groans and he gets in the shower. He needs to get ready for the training. Dad and the pack are going in wolf form, me in human. They don't trust the Cullen's enough to be in human form.

I am sitting in the clearing waiting for the pack to show. I watch the Cullen's stand around and chat. Bella too.

The pack comes through the trees, I see dad's yellow wolf eyes break through the darkness of the woods

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The pack comes through the trees, I see dad's yellow wolf eyes break through the darkness of the woods. I smile and I go into the woods. I phase and I go and lay next to Bella.

"Hi Rose." She pets me.

I smile a wolf smile and I lay my head on her lap and we watch everybody train. I huff when dad and Paul go against each other.

"Can you phase back?" I hear Bella whisper. "I want someone to talk to."

I get up and I go to where my clothe are. I change and I go back to where Bella is.

"Hi wolf girl." She smirks.

"Hey vampire girl." I smirk right back.

She chuckles. "Is Paul nice you you?"

"Yeah." I reply. "He has his moments, but he is good most of the time."

"Well, if you two have problems, I'm here." Bella says.

I smile and I hug her. "Thanks Bella. Same goes or you."

Jacob is watching us with a happy glint in his brown eyes.

"Jakey !" I exclaim and I run up to him, Bella laughing behind me.

I run Jacobs head. He purrs. I burst out into s fit of giggles and I rejoin Bella on the rock.

"I can't fight. Dad won't let me." I sigh.

"I'm sorry." Bella frowns.

"It's alright, Bella. Wanna come over tomorrow? The boys have patrol. You can hang with me, Emily, and Leah." I suggest.

"Sure." Bella smiles.

The Cullen's appreciate me inviting Bella over. They were wanting to hunt tomorrow.

When training ends, I remember. Tomorrow is the battle. "Guys! Tomorrow is the battle!" I yell.

We all grumble and plan to meet at the mountain, right before the climb. I climb onto Paul's back and he runs us home. I hop of and I go inside.

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