When he asks you out

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                                                                    Your P.O.V

Robin/ Dick Grayson

I quickly scribble down every word the teacher is saying. Oh joy.... Yeah AP Biology is not the funnest of subjects, but it keeps me in top 5 of the school. I begin to space out and stare at a wall for about five minutes, but my trance is quickly broken when a note is slipped on my desk. I look to my side to find a grinning Dick. He mouthes Open it and I oblige. It read:
Hey (Y/N)!!
Listen I was wondering if you wanted to go to hang out tomorrow
P.S: If you were wondering. Yes! I'm asking you on a date.
Internally I squeal. You've grown a massive crush on Dick over the past few months.                                        I quickly mark the yes and slip the note back to him. You're both smiling through the rest of class.

Kid Flash/ Wally West

As always I'm jotting down the lab results with Wally. Well I'm working on the lab results he's watching while eating the fries from earlier. You and Wally hang out everyday at S.T.A.R LABS. While your aunt internally squeals because of "how gosh darn cute you two are together" as your aunt puts it. As your writing down the result you hear Wally get up from his seat, but pay no mind to it. You then feel him behind you  and he whispers in your ear "Hey beautiful" like always you turn to him " Yes Wally" you smile up at him " I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me tomorrow...... You know a date" he scratches the back of his neck nervously. You blush and mumble a yes, he grins kissing you on the cheek and running out of the lab. (non super speed)


You were swimming around Atlantis running errands for the queen. You were on the way to the school to in form the queen of celebration planning for the baby's arrival. You were in such a hurry you bumped into someone. You felt strong arms wrap around your waist holding you steady. You look up to find Kaldur holding you. You blush, while he smirks down at you. " Apologies for my clumsiness" you say out of embarrassment. He smiles before replying "It's quite alright.... Actually I was looking for you, I was wondering if you'd accompany me on a date tomorrow evening". You smile up at him , your blush intensifying and reply" I'd love to" he gives you a heart warming smile before letting go of your waist. He gives your hand a quick kiss before heading off.

Superboy/Conner Kent

You were putting your things away in your locker,when Conner came up to you. He looked extremely nervous. Which is odd for the normally stoic Conner Kent. He walks up to you  " Hey (Y/N) I was wondering if you wanna..um do something after school with me" he ask also nervously. You giggle before replying " I'd love to go an a date with
you Conner" he smiles and says " Great see you later" before heading to 5th period.
(Kay so this was kinda short but I didn't know what else to write😬)

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