First "I Love You"

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Dick Grayson
You and Dick were holding hands as he walked you to gym class. Making casual conversation about the upcoming test Dick has. When you made it to the girls locker room, you gave Dick a hug and a quick kiss on the lips.

"I'll see you later" you said as you pulled away from the embrace. " Alright I love you, bye" he responded as you turned away. You froze in shock, but when you turned around he was already walking down the hallway at a quick pace.

"Richard John Grayson don't you dare walk away from me!" You yelled as you ran after him. Dick became slightly frightened after hearing the use his full name. Much to his dismay you caught up to him. You grabbed him by the front of his shirt and kissed.

" I love you too, idiot" you said breathlessly as you leaned your forehead on his. He grinned ear to ear after hearing your response and kissed you again.

Wally West
You and Wally were in your aunts lab working on lab results . Well you were working on the lab results, Wally was just admiring you from across the table.  After maybe thirty minutes Wally decided you needed a little brake. So he used his super speed to steal all your papers.

"Wally I need to finish my work" you said sternly

"Finish later" he responded as he slid his arms around your waist hugging you from behind. What he said next surprised you.

" I love you (Y/N)" hearing this caused you to smile widely. "I love you too Wally"

You were visiting Atlantis for an upcoming ball with Kaldur (I don't know if they really have these in Atlantis, but play along) He had asked you before hand to accompany him even though you were dating, he wanted you to know he cared enough to ask. At the moment you were dancing with Kaldur to a slow song.(As said before play along)

He leaned down to you ear and whispered "(Y/N)" looking up at him you smiled and hummed in response. He returned the smile before whispering.

" I want you to know that I truly love you and that my number 1 priority will always be you" he smiled kindly eyes filled with love and you no doubt looked the same. " I feel the same Kaldur, I love you"

Conner Kent

Conner was currently chasing after you refused to give him a kiss. You we're grinning widely eyes glinting in mischief as you ran away from your boyfriend. When he caught up to you he gently grabbed you by the waist hoisting you up into the air. Until finally bringing you down to his level to kiss you. All through the kiss your feet never touched the ground. Conner finally set you down on the floor.

" I love you " You said simultaneously

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