Chapter 5

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The next day, the kids went off to Hogwarts. Even though there was a lot of screaming and havoc, Teddy slept right through it.

He woke up at quarter to noon, and trudged downstairs in his loose trousers, now blond hair messed up in every direction.

"Morning." He yawned as he entered the basement.

"Morning Teddy." Sirius said sadly

"Wotcher Ted." Tonks said. "Um, where is your shirt?"

"Room somewhere." Teddy said. Sitting down at the table, he noticed something was off. "Why is it so quiet?"

"Kids are off to Hogwarts." Tonks replied, pushing a plate of toast towards him.

"Oh right. So, what's the plan for today?" Teddy asked, biting into the toast.

"I have a few missions to do for the Order, same with your father." Tonks said.

"And I'm stuck here to clean cos I'm not aloud out." Sirius muttered darkly

"Siri you know I want to help you out, but it's too dangerous. You could get caught." Tonks sighed. Sirius didn't say anything, just sunk lower into his chair. Tonks looked away at the clock sadly.

"I need to go now." Tonks said. "See you later."

Tonks, in her and everyone else's mind, was still too young be a mum, so she treated Teddy more like a brother, or a really close friend. She ruffled Teddy's already messy hair as she walked passed.

"Bye Siri, Teddy." Tonks called as she walked up the stairs.

"So, what could we do now?" Teddy asked

"We still have some cleaning to do." Sirius said glumly. "Great."

"It doesnt have to be boring. We can always make it fun." Teddy said.




It was a few hours later, and Sirius was having a great time. Teddy had his phone with him, a muggle phone, which played music, and he enchanted it so the music blasted everywhere. He also knew how to keep Mrs Black's portrait quiet for the rest of the day.

Sirius was on the first floor, and Teddy was on the top, both singing loudly along to 'Tigers and Sharks' by You Me At Six. Sirius was loving the new muggle music. Especially the punk/rock music.

As Teddy dusted and cleaned in one of the rooms, his mind wandered back to those at home. He was hoping Harry would get him back quickly. He knew what happened in the years to come, and didn't want to be around when it all broke down.

"Ouch. Merlin's saggy pants, that hurt!" Teddy cried loudly in pain.

Teddy hadn't been watching what he was doing, and had accidentally knocked a large, old and tattered photo album onto his foot. He bent down and picked it up; it was heavy. Opening it, he saw many pictures of two young boys in Hogwarts uniform, both at school and not.

It soon got to a section where it looked very odd. All the pictures seemed to have been taken at a distance, as they were blurry and hard to make out. Teddy screwed up his eyes and leaned closer, trying to see what was in he photo. It was then that he realized that the photos were extremely dusty. And so, using his sleeve, he gently wiped the dust away.

One photo however looked very fragile, so he decided to use one of his fingers. But as soon as his finger made contact, something pricked it. He suddenly felt himself go woozy and weak all over, causing him to drop the photo album with a loud thump.

The last thing Teddy remembered clearly, was the ground rushing up to meet him, as he collapsed onto the floor, his vision going black.....

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