Chapter 8

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Christmas Day was great. Teddy, Tonks, Sirius and Remus all stayed up really late into the night. Remus finally becoming the fun and not very innocent person he truly was, surprising the other three entirety. It was after eleven when Teddy felt something vibrate in his pocket. Taking it out, he saw a beautiful bleach blond smiling sadly back from the mirror.

"Teddy!" she cried happily, drawing everyone's attention to the mirror. "Oh thank goodness you're alright!"

"Hey Vic, I'm fine. What about you, and everyone else?" Teddy replied happily, not realizing what colour his hair had gone; bubblegum pink.

"We are all fine. All missing you and trying to get you back again." Victoire said.

"Right. How's that going?" Teddy asked, his parents and Sirius all listening in.

"Ok. Getting there slowly." Victoire said. "They should be able to get you back by June, your time. How long will that be for you?"

"Six months. But Vic, June is whe-"

"Yeah we know. Harry hopefully won't be going. You know he feels about it." Vic replied sharply. "Sorry, it's just I miss you. And it's Christmas here, it's not the same without you."

"It's not the same without you either." Teddy sighed, "but there are three awesome people that are making it pretty cool."


"Vic, meet Sirius Black, my mum Tonks, and my dad Remus." Teddy said, turning the mirror to face the three. "Guys, this is my girlfriend Victoire Weasley. Soon to hopefully be if I ever get back, wife."

"Hi everyone." Victoire said awkwardly, waving.

"Nice to meet you."



"Yeah. Welcome to Grimmauld Place in 1995." Teddy laughed

"Wow. Are you in the basement?" Victoire asked, now facing Teddy again, looking around behind him.

"Yeah. Different eh?" Teddy said. "But it's sti-"

"Vic, time for tea." A women called from the background.

"I have to go now. I'll call again later." Vic said sadly. "I miss you."

"I miss you too." Teddy said, eyes turning blue. "See you later."

"Love you."

"Love you too." Teddy said quietly as the mirror faded, and his face became visible.

Teddy stood up so he could put the mirror into his pocket easier. When he looked up, he saw his dad walking towards him, a tear in his eyes.

"I am so proud of you. So proud of you, my son." Remus said, pulling him into a big hug. He then held Teddy at arms length and smiled before walking away, leaving Teddy confused.

Sirius came forward and cupped his face, pecking quickly Teddy on the lips. Teddy looked at him in disgust.

"I've never been so proud of a young man before in my life." Sirius cried, wiping a tear away.

"What is up with you two?" Tonks asked

"Did you not see her? She's beautiful." Remus cried dreamily. Obviously his mind was under the influence of alcohol.

"So pretty. And I want one of those. Where do I find one of those?" Sirius asked.

"Hey, that's my fiancée you guys are fantasizing about. And dad, that's gross."

"True, but technically, he isn't your dad yet." Tonks pointed out.

"Exactly." Remus said, putting an arm around Tonks's shoulder, nodding knowingly at Teddy. Teddy sighed and shook his head; so this is what his parents were like once they've had a few drinks.....

It was after midnight before Teddy got to talk to Victoire again. Teddy and his mum were having a Metamorphmagus Contest, (in the living room, the basement was too cold and creepy). When he answered, Teddy had snake eyes, leopard nose, tiger teeth, and elf ears. Victoire screamed when she saw him, making Teddy, Tonks, Sirius and Remus laughed; they were all a little more tipsy than before. Teddy scrunched up his eyes and his face went back to normal.

"Hey Vic." Teddy laughed giddily.

"Teddy, have you been drinking?" Vic sighed

"Maybe, a little bit, why?" Teddy asked

"You know it's bad for you." Vic said. "Don't you remember what happened last time you had a few.....?"

Teddy didn't answer, just stared at her. "You look so cute when your in a mirror." He giggled, hair going pink.

"Thanks. You too."

"But you looked cuter." Teddy said sweetly.

"No you."

"No you."

"No, you're cuter."

"No you are.

"Nah yo-"

"You're both bloody adorable!" Sirius yelled. "Can I drink this without wanting to vomit?"

"Sorry Siri." Teddy said glumly, looking down. Vic smiled, blushing brightly.

"Teddy, time to go to bed." Tonks yawned.

"Aw but-"

"Don't argue with your mum Teddy, she'll make you move." Hiccuped Sirius.

"Sorry Vic, I need to go. Talk to me soon though, alright?" teddy said, stifling a yawn.

"I'll try. See you soon. Love and miss you." Vic said, smiling with sad longing.

"Love and miss you too. Bye." Teddy said.

Once again, the mirror dimmed, and his reflection showed. He sighed and put it in his pocket. Tonks came and sat beside him, arm around his shoulders.

"You'll see her again soon." Tonks said comfortingly

"I know, but ... part of me wants to stay here with you and dad. But, she needs me, they all need me back in my time. I just don't know what to do."

"Teddy, what happens in the future happens. Now, even though I know I'm going to die soon, I'll die happily knowing you will have a great life." Tonks said, taking his had. " And anyway, do you actually think the dead leave fully, because they don't. Not until they have their one last wish."

Teddy smiled as he stared at the wall. It was a nice way of thinking about it, but sad in the sense that they'll leave as soon as they get you back.

"Hey mum, will you both-" Teddy started. But as he looked down, he saw him mum fast asleep. Sirius and Remus drifting off further down the sofa. Teddy chuckled silently as he closed his eyes to join them in the Land of the Dreams. This was the family that should have happened. The happiness that should have happened.

And as the time to leave drew nearer, Teddy was determined to make the best of the time he had with them, as he possibly could.

Before it was time to leave them behind, once again.

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