Chapter 10

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"Teddy, come on!" Bill urged, his hand still out. "I don't have long now come on."

Teddy was still hesitant. He desperately wanted to leave, but he also really wanted to stay and get to know his parents some more. But if his parents were meant to know him as he grew up into the young man he was, then they wouldn't have died.

Smiling, he quickly walked round the table. He had almost reached Bill's hand, but as he went to grab it, his hand went right through Bill's; he had hesitated for too long. Teddy had to shield his eyes, as there was a bright white flash, before it stopped. Teddy looking around desperately, but Bill wasn't there.

"Bill, please don't be gone." Teddy whispered.

But he was too late, his first and probably only chance to get home had left without him. Not wanting to turn around and see the looks of sympathy and confusion on his friends faces, he ran up the stairs and stormed out the front door. The steps outside the hidden house were covered in snow. But Teddy didn't care, he sat on them anyway and looked up at that stars. It was a few minutes before he heard the door open.

"Teddy?" A soft voice said behind him.

"What?" he sighed.

"Are you alright?" another voice asked, it was a man this time.

"Brilliant." Teddy replied unconvincingly.

"Want to talk about it?" the women asked

"What is there to talk about, you saw what happened." Teddy snapped. Looking to his right, he saw the hurt expression on his mothers face. "I'm sorry, mum, but I just really want to get back to my own time."

"But what about staying here with us?" Remus asked. "I thought that's what you wanted."

"It was but, but if we were meant to grow up and know each other and be a family, you wouldn't have died." Teddy sighed.

A cold silence like ice followed, but Tonks was brave enough to break it.

"You really hate it here don't you?" she said sadly.

"No. I love it here, but going back will be just as hard as it was getting here, physically and emotionally." Teddy said. "I spent a lot of my time at Hogwarts, walking around and knowing that you both grew up and died there, and to have some bastards make fun of me and pretend to be dead whenever I was in the courtyard, people wonder why I almost got expelled."

Remus put an arm around Teddy's shoulder. "I'm sorry that we die in the future." He said. "But I'm sure you understand, right?"

"Of course I understand but, it's just hard. Meeting you has been great,I have always wanted to. But, if I had gone, someone would have come back in time to wipe your memories of me, you won't remember me get being here, you won't remember me at all." Teddy said sadly.

"But, why shouldn't we remember you?" Tonks asked. "Considering the fact that you said we die when you are just a few weeks old, before we can even get to know you, can't we at least have the privilege to remember you, from this time. What's the harm in that?"

"The harm is, is that you don't truly love each other like you will." Teddy said. "I see it in your eyes that you don't. You only act like you are when I'm around. Mum, I can tell you love dad, maybe a little more since you met me. But dad, he does love you but won't admit it, not yet. He feels he is too old, too poor, and too dangerous for you. But he does love you, just wait."

Teddy stood up and sighed. He looked down the empty street before heading down it.

"B-but, where are you going?" Remus cried.

"I have something I need to do!" Teddy cried

"Will you come back?" Tonks yelled

"Dunno, probably. But don't wait around for me."

Remus and Tonks watched as the silhouette of their future son faded into the darkness. Tonks had tears slowing rolling down her cheeks, sniffing occasionally.

"He really knows us inside out, doesn't he?" Tonks sniffed.

"Yeah, yeah he does." Remus sighed. "Come on, it's late and it's cold, we should go in."

Remus walked up the stairs to the front door and opened it. Turning round, he saw that Tonks was still standing in the same place.

"Tonks, come on." Remus said softy.

"I'll be fine. Just need a moment." Tonks replied quietly.

Remus sighed sadly and ran a hand through his hair.

"If you aren't back inside in ten minutes, I'll drag you back inside if you like it or not." Remus said with fake strictness.

Tonks chuckled lightly, but she sunk onto the steps, in the same place Teddy had sat. Remus closed the door with one last look at Tonks. He jumped back in surprise when he saw Sirius standing behind him.

"What happened?" Sirius asked. Remus only shrugged and massaged his temples.

"I don't know." He sighed.

Sirius smiled sadly before pulling him into a comforting hug.

"It'll be alright." Sirius said soothingly. "You'll see."

"I hope so. But with Teddy, I'm not so sure." Remus said, pulling away. "He said he wasn't sure if he'd ever come back, or even where he was going."

The snow crunched loudly under Teddy's feet, he was absolutely freezing, but he was almost at the Ministry of Magic. He had to do it, not only for him and his life, Harry and his life, but also because Moody had told him to; he was to steal the prophecy that concerned Harry ... and Voldemort.

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