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The war was over. "Harry. That was the elder wand you threw. You know that don't you?"Said Ron, attentively."Yes, so now we can get on with our normal lives. Normal. Even normal sounds strange."

"Come on Harry its time to go back to the burrow." Ron laughed. Hermione was studying Harry,

"Somehow..."She thought to herself, "Normal doesn't seem like an option..."

Harry was at the burrow half asleep, he hadn't really slept at all. He realised he was no longer filled with dread, and then he remembered Voldemort was dead. But along with so many others.. Lupin, Sirius, Dumbledore, Mum, Dad, Fred , tonks, Lavender and so many others... well thank goodness the weasleys were safe, and Hermione, most of his school mates and ... No. Just them just the weasleys were safe, and Hermione, most of his school mates. That was it. Really.

"HARRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYY" Ginny yelled. Wow, harry thought, i remember why we broke up, she was like a foghorn! Not that they weren't friends. But something caught Harrys ear. Did he detect a hint of... panic, in her voice. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" Hermione was yelling now and she seemed sad and panicky. Harry ran downstairs looking round the, burrow, seeing how it had been re-built it. When he reached the window where he had been on the night of the fire, he stopped. This is how it had happened...

He and Ginny had been talking, after half a year of liking her, they had become firm friends. Ginny suddenly let in, Harry guessed she had been talking to Hermione about him... But something suddenly occurred to harry, he no longer loved Ginny, he had FRIENDZONED her, he wondered how to let her down gently, but just then Bellatrix had set the field around the burrow on fire so he could run out and chase her, or was he running from Ginny, who was close behind him. When all the drama was over , the moment had passed and Mrs. Weasle was crying, because her home was on fire.

Then harry entered the living room, where he had first thought he was... NO. No, he had decided that that, whatever it was, was not true. So many memories in this house, most happy. More so than the Dursleys. He looked at the wizard clock, all but his and Mr. Weasleys were shown as "home", Mr. Weasley was "work", while harry was.."Lost"?He was not lost! Almost as soon as harry had saw the clock, His face had moved to "home" and it gave him a wink. Harry scowled.


"Ok, ok I'm coming."Harry sighed. The letters would tell them if they made it into Hogwarts to be a student, and what year they would be in. As harry walked in, it took only a split second for Hermione to throw his letter at him, and Ginny to throw a book at him and both yell, "TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH". Harrys letter read,

Dear Mr Potter,

You, I am glad to say, have been re accepted into Hogwarts a seventh year. You will need your uniform ( I trust you know what it is by now, if not ask Miss Granger)and the following books,

Moist Pointe potions

Transfiguration for the excellent

Charming like devils

Defence for Future aurors

Astrology star

And A muggle book called Bullying

Your train leaves at 11 'o' clock at platform 9 and ¾

Yours sincerely

Professor M. McGonagall

P.S This year try not to blow anything up or do anything strange, please?

Harry laughed. Hermione was smiling, Ron looked baffled and Ginny looked really happy.

"I got in as a seventh year." Ginny grinned

"Me too" said Harry, Ron and Hermione

Then they all got smothered by Mrs. Weasley ( You made it im so pround well done!)

"Wait... I'm head girl" said Hermione, grinning madly.

"And I'm head boy?" Ron said amazed.


Mr Weasley was home, and he looked confused.

" I was just reading the profit and.. it says your gay and in a relationship with Draco Malfoy..."

Harry was Livid. He had never thought he was gay, not properly...

"WHAT?!" he yelled.

By the time it was September 1st, harry had not calmed down, he was determined to confront Draco and get to the bottom of this, they had only just managed to stop him going to Malfoy manor and confront him. When his friends sat in their compartment, he said he needed the bathroom. He ran around the train, demanding Slytherins to tell him where Draco was. When he eventually found him, he grabbed his shirt collar and pressed him up against a wall. Why did he have to smirk, even when he was in quite serious danger, even fatal if harry had his say." What did you do, Malfoy?!" he demanded from him. His white blond hair gleamed in the light so it looked like fire.

"Potter" he said desperately" I need your help. Now, please excuse harry for over reacting, he could be forgiven because not only did all his school think he was gay for Malfoy, but his friend didn't believe him when he said he wasn't. "What?" Harry growled. "Why would I help you? After all the devastation you have caused, what you have said about me?"

Draco Malfoy seemed very calm for someone who was about to have his head ripped of. " I do not blame you for being angry, but hear me out." When harry slowly lowered Draco, he continued " Father wanted me to become a Death eater, so I told him i was in love with someone from the other side." When he asked who, I panicked and said the first person that came into my head. You. He didn't want Voldemort to find out about our "love"..." Draco smirked"... so he kept it quiet. But then you vanquished him, my father went to jail, my mother wasn't ashamed and published our love for the world to see. I had nothing to do with it. I didn't tell mother I lied because she would tell father who would disown me. Understand"

Harry was still angry "So what do you expect me to do, go out with you?"I'm not gay harry thought.

"Would you consider, pretending? After all, you brave side wouldn't let you be disowned by his father, would you?2smirked Malfoy

"Fine" harry snapped

He went and told Ron and Hermione he and Malfoy were officially going out. " finally you've come to your senses harry" said Hermione.

Harry was in a very bad mood, but anytime he saw Malfoy his heart skipped a beat...

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