title of your story

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Harry woke up with a start. He had been dreaming of..erm.. NOTHING. Glancing at the clock on his bed, he found out it was 7.09am, so deciding he didn't want to go back to dreams of nothing, he rolled out off bed (landing with a thud) and went to get a shower. His fingers ran through his hair, while he tried his hardest to keep his mind blank. Merlin. He could think of nothing when Snape used to ask him a question, so why not now?! Quickly jumping out, Harry used a quick dry spell and dressed in a tight red short sleaved shirt, black jeans and his robes. He ran his hands through his already messy raven hair, and again, tried to think of nothing while setting off downstairs.

When Harry reached the Great Hall, Ron and Hermione pounced on him and asked him if he had been with Draco.

"What? No, I was in the room of requirment because Ron was snoring." Harry growled, while Ron blushed furiousley, denying it.

Hermione smiled, "Ron, you're cute when you blush." which, of course, only made him blush more.

Then, Pansy and Draco came and sat with the Golden Trio. Harry suddenly had a good idea to find out what Draco had been up to to cause him to miss breakfast and be late for class.

"Hey Draco. Where were you yesterday?" he asked, wide eyed innocently. He smirked inwardly.

"Why do you want to know?" Draco grinned at Harry, thinking he would splutter and blush. Harry grinned right back at him.

"Aww, can't a boyfriend ask where you were to miss breakfast?" He grinned at the Slytherins shocked face, while everyone else just sat normally.

"Why isn't anyone confused at his behavior". Draco thought. "Oh. Yeah. We go out." He then quickly scanned his mind for an excuse, but before he could find one his mouth came out with the truth.

"Oh, I was trying on different clothes to impress... people." Draco said.

"Well it's not a total lie. Harry is people." he thought

Harry must've believed Draco because he didn't question further. He just waited until breakfast was over then linked arms with Hermione and walked off to potions. Leaving Draco to wonder why he hadn't linked arms with him.

When Draco arrived at Potions, Slughorn had lined up severel different cauldrons at the front.

One was a green colour, one red, one black, one blue and one a green/black/red/pink. Draco walked up and stood in a line with the other students and then Slughorn started to talk.

"Ok class, now everyone id here, we can begin the lesson. As you can see we have five potions here. This green one is a fairly recent potion, that will cure any posion, as long as its not in the last stage before killing someone. This was come up with by a Slytherin.

The red one is a calming potion, that has saved lifes by giving healers it so they can calm down and heal fataly injurys. This was invented by a Gryffindor. This black one, is a truth potion. It helps you to see who is loyal to you when it most matters. It was created by a Hufflepuff. And this blue one, really rather clever, is when you need to remember something quickly, so rather a learning potion. This was made by a Ravenclaw. Can someone tell me please what these potions have in common." Everyone was stumped for a few seconds, even Hermione. But then, Draco puy his hand up.

"Sir, if I'm correct, I think that these potions are the liquid form of the qualaties of each house. Loyalty, because you must be truthful to be loyal, Smart, remebering things, Brave, because being calm can help with that, and Cunning, being able to outwit something." He looked at the potions again. "And they match the colours of the houses too."

Slughorn looked amazed. Never had he taught a student who had guessed first time.

"Yes, Mr Malfoy, that is correct. Twenty points to Slytherin. I have these potions so you can take 1 vile of each and use them too help you make this potion." He says flustered at the start, gesturing to the 5th potion.

"This is an love potion. If you want to smell it, it smells of things that attract you." At this people lent forward. Draco, however, stayed where he was. Then when Slughorn told them to start, he got the ingredients and placed then on the desk. Then he went to go collect some of the potion. But as he went, he passed the love potion and suddenly smelt some intriging things so he stopped and sniffed. He smelt mint, hot chocolate, vanilla and, what he identified to be, Harry...

Alarmed, he quickly grabbed the viles and went back to his desk.

Harry was also having the same problem with the love potion.

He had only just went past it when he smelt vanilla, fresh air, new parchment and the scent of Draco.

Which of course caused him to act in a similar way to Draco.

When both had made a perfect potion, as had Hermione, they almost ran out of thr class room, so overwhelmed by the smell of one another. Draco didn't look at Harry once, while the raven haired Gryffindor kept glancing at him. Hermione and Blaise noticed this strange behavior, but not knowing what would happen if the asked, they kept quiet. But Draco, for one, did not intend to keep this quiet. When, his friends, this inclueded Hermione and Ron, who he classed as friends now after a few months of bonding, had gone back to the common room, Draco quietly asked Harry if he could speak to him. Harry nodded nervously, but allowed himself to be dragged iff to the R of R. When they entered, it appeared as a very intermet room. Draco very quickly changed it, but it didn't stop him from blushing.

Before Draco could say anything, Harry spoke out.

"In the potion, I smelt you." he said softly.

Dravo stood in shock. Had Harry just said what he thought he said.

"What?" he whispered.

"In potions, in the love potion, I smelt vannila, air, parchment and you." Harry repeated, still softly.

Draco stood there in utter delight. Though his face didn't show it, and Harry took it badly.

"I'm sorry, I'll g-" he stated, but Draco cut him off.

"I smelt you." Draco said. His silver storm eyes locked on Harry's green jewel eyes. Harry looked at Draco's faint pink lips, while Draco looked at his reddish ones.

Harry, being the brave Gryffibdor, moved forward slightly. That was all it took for Draco to crush down on the boys lips. It started out quite gentel, just lips. But then Draco felt something on his lips, perhaps a tounge. So then Harry felt Draco's tounge come into his mouth, and he put his on his tounge. Harry pushed Draco down on what he thought was a sofa. But when he stopped the kiss for air, stupid breathing, he found it was a bed. He looked at Draco.

"Looks like this room has ideas." He whispered in the blond boys ear, seductively.

"I guess so." Draco panted breathlessly.

By morning, if you went into the room of requirment, you would find a red bed, two piles of clothes on either end , and two boys, a raven haired boy with is head on the blond boys chest.

Ok guys, the next chapter will be the last, or you will get a notice telling you I changed my mind and its finished.

I'm sorry this is coming to a rather quick end.



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