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The New Professor

(Aka bigger trouble maker than George and Fred Weasley)

"Hey Honey!" said Malfoy smugly to Harry. Harry had gotten over pretending to get along with Malfoy. Realising that most couples fight like cat and dog he could finally act normally around malfoy. " Shut in malfoy." Harry had decided acting couple was too hard so he was going to act Harry normal instead. "Awww, come on honey, still refuse to say I love you in public." he looked at hermionie and ron" i wish we could be like you but he won't admit he loves me. Shame really." Malfoy smiled at Harry flirtily. Why did Harrys heart beat so fast? He was straight, he had had a long relationship with ginny for fucks sake! Ginny, being Ginny, teased harry, whenever harry said he was straight in front of her, she called as straight as a circle. Harry hadn't managed to stay angry with Ginny. Although she teased hin, she didn't care if harry was gay or wasn't. Ginny was always kind to everyone, sometimes even before the war Malfoy. At Harrys last remark, Malfoy said," That reminds me honey, stop calling me by my last name, at the very least call me Draco, though i wouldn't say no to"love"." He said it all so silkely, as if he'd done this a million times. " Harry, you haven't told Draco yoy love him." hermione says ,shocked.

"No Hermione, i haven't because, no matter how often you and the rest of the wizarding world try to convince me, I'm not gay. I repeat. I. Am. Not. Gay." Hermione smiled. She knew quite well that Harry had not started dating Draco because he had come out. She knew Harry thought he wasn't gay. Thought. Because being the smartest witch her age and knowing Harry for 7 years, she knew things about him that he didn't. One being he was gay and liked Draco. But Hermione, being Hermione, kept them to herself, and let Harry slowly discover it by himself. " Come on, we are late for Defence against the dark arts. We are also meeting our new professor today. And being late will not be a great first impression." Hermione dragged Harry and Ron ( both who forced Harry to wave bye to draco, who was letting harry walk to lesson without him.) down the cortidor and managed to only be a minute late. As they walked in, they realisrd that everyone was stood up, and somehow Draco had beat them here. "You three must be Hermione, Ron and Harry. And judging by the look on your face, you are confused by me calling you by your first names which is something you will have to get used to. I am Professor Elliot and you are just in time to find out you you will sit next to and work with for the rest of the yeat." Everyone spluttered at the looks on Rons face, while Professor Elliot raised an eyebroe.

"It will be:

Pansy and Ron

Parvati and Dean

Seamus and Millie

Hermione and Blaise

Gregory and Ginny

Neville and Luna

And Harry and Draco. Some of you may have noticed that there is one person from Ravenclaw. The other class was to big so Luna will be here."

Harry was furious. Not only did everyone think Harry liked Draco( not love) but now he had to work with him in his faveourite( A/N i cant spell that word) subject. He stomped out. " Well that went... Well." said Draco, and eveyone laughed, gryffindors, ravenclaw and slytherin. " Very funny class. Before i go looking for Harry would someone like to explain why Harry reacted the way he did?" Before anyone could say anything Draco ,"Not me."

While everyone but Hermione and glared at Draco, Mione explained the situation, finishing,"... And then Harry and Dracos live life was on the front page." Throughout the story of Mione telling a reacher that Harry and Draco wete gay, many laughs had to be muffled. "Ok thank you Hermione, but im still confused. Shouldn't Harry be pleased about working with his boyfriend." Hermione looked uncomfortable so Ron explained, " Harrys in denial abput liking Draco." "Ah. Ill go find Harry." And with that, she set off. As soon as she'd left, Ginny shoved Ron. " You should've explained for Mione." Ron looked furious. " Why aren't you shoving him? Its his boyfriend!" Ginny gave him a wivering lok. " Ok, go and tell Professor Elliot about either Lavender or Hermiones entire realationship with yoy, if its not such a big deal." Draco, who had been very intrested, decided to get on with reading. Then he heard" I hate when your right." At that moment Elliot came bavk in with Harry. " Sit." she said simply. He sat." Now that *eveyone* is settledz..." she glanced in the direction of Malfoy and Harry.".. I can tell you about what I shall be teaching you this year. This lesdon will be a one of duelling session. Then next we shall do patronuses. I will tell you the rest later. Now, stand up. I trust you already know how to duel. The spell to protect yourself is Progecto. As you were." As everone started to duel, Elliot walked out eveyone, giving praise or a suggestion to improve. She raised her eyebrows at how eager Harry was to throw spells at Draco. They're evenly matched. Hmmm. They complement each others flaws. She looked around, it seemed that these two were far more advanced then anyway, the closest to their skill was Hermione, Blaise and Ginny. " Ok class if you would stop. Harry, Draco. If you would come to the fromnt to demonstrate. Hurry please." They stood up, and Harry took the first move, protecto. Then a jinx. But it didn't work. All Draco could do was progecto. By the end, Harry won. " Do you like my new spell? It makes the other persons wand unable to do anymove but protecto." "So thats what it was. What is the spell called? " It is called wimpero and it takes a powerful spell or wizard to overcome it." Draco smiled at Harry, and battered him eyelashes and sliped his arm round his waist." Awww love, you are so smart." Harry wondered why he wasn't as annoyed as he should be. At the end of the lesson, Professor Elliot kept Harry back. " So Harry, your a smart guy. You really came into your own when you dueled. You will break quite afew hearts." she said with a knowing smile.

" What do you mean?" Harry said sharply, startled. " Well you are dating Draco..." Harry was getting angry, " Who told you?" Professor Elliot remebered Harry was in denial. "Hermione... " she started but was cut of. "HERMIONE! YOU BETTER RUN! BECAUSE WHEN I CATCH YOU I SWEAR I WILL AVADA YOU!" Hermione, who had been waiting outside for Harry started to run. Ron laughed. No one could ever accuse his life to be boring. Harry turned to Elliot. "I'm not gay. I am branded it because Malfoy told his father he was dating on the otherside to avoid becoming a death eater. That was before the war. He wont tell his mum, who said she wasn't ashamed of him and proved it by publishing our *love* on the paper. I am not gay." harry stomped off, Ron followed.

"Professor, I want to talk to you." Elliot looked up, it was Hermione. She gave a curt nod for her to continue. " I know you know Harry doesn't think hes gay. He is." when she looked like she might object, Hermione contined" Yes Harry is dating Draco against his will. I did not deny that, he is gay and in denial. I hope you will keep this a secret." When she nodded, Mione left. Wow, that girl knows more than most of the teachers. As portrait hole to her common room, she Ron hold Harry back from hexing her. " Im sorry Harry!" she squeaked then ran to her dorm. Harry sighed. " Is it so difficult to have a normal year?" Harry demanded. "Yes!"laughed Ron. And then he carried on laughing. And laughibg and laughing. Harry stomped off, yelling i hate you, i hate you.m!" Ron was still laughing. This year was going to be fun.

**thankyouto** **dracomalfoylover666** **for** **following** **andfaveroting**

**Riennesooposseuitlein** **forfollowing**

**Belldandy55555 for following**

The next chapterwill be truth or dare.

My game may invlove strong lanuage and possible sexual scenes i havent decided. Also something happans at the end which like someone has told me already is like sanshine7 work i am not gay. I admit my story is like hers but this was not intenonal. So shout out to her because she is an amazing author one of my 2 faverote authors her and parkerspen.

Ok just wanted to say i think you are all amazing and if you are uncomfortable dont tead the next chapter.


Ps some of the have asked if im a boy or a girl. Im a girl.

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