Burdensome~Jay Park

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Jay and I walked hand and hand through the mall.

He had been on tour for a while so we were just spending as much time together as we could before he emerged himself back into his work schedule at the studio.

"Oo look at that dress." He said as we passed a window.

"It's pretty." I said, it was a long sleeved black dress that was about knee length.

"Want to try it on?" He asked.

"Nah." I said.

"You sure?" He asked again.

"Yeah." I smiled and squeezed his hand reassuringly.

We continued walking through the mall and he kept seeing things and offering to buy them but I curtly turned him down each time.

So we left the mall and went to grab a bite to eat. As per usual I got something cheap.

"You know you can get something more expensive. And something to drink rather than just water." He said.

"I know but I like this food." I said

"I also know you like fillet mignon." He said with a brow raised.

"I'll get it next time." I smiled.

"You say that every time." He chuckled.

We ate our meal and continued chatting about random stuff.

We got back to our shared apartment, which he pays for so I twisted his arm to let me pay some bills.

We changed into some jammies and snuggled up to watch a movie.

"Hey Iz?" He asked.

"Mm?" I answered.

"How come you wouldn't let me buy you anything today?" He asked.

"You bought me food." I said.

"I mean like gifts. When we were at the mall." He said.

"You brought me back a lot of things from your tour." I said.

"I know but I wanted to get you something nice today." He said as he softly ran his fingers up and down my arm.

"But you're always doing that and I don't want you to waste your money on me." I said.

"It's not a waste. You never ask for anything and when you do I'm so shocked and elated even if it's just $5 to go get an ice cream from the gas station. Why don't you ask for stuff? I want to provide for you and spoil you." He said.

"I don't like asking for things." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"I don't want to be troublesome or a burden. I've never liked asking for things I most likely never will." I said.

"Do you feel as if you're a burden to me?" He asked.

"Sometimes yeah." I mumbled. He clicked his tongue

"Don't play with me do you really feel that way?" He asked.

"Yeah I do." I said looking down.

"Does it make you uncomfortable when I buy a lot of stuff?" He asked.

"No. It makes me feel special." I answered honestly, "but at the same time I feel like a waste of space and that the money could be used for something else." I said playing with my hands.

"Look at me." He stated firmly. I looked up, it was hard to read his expression.

"You are not a waste of space. You are not troublesome nor are you burdensome. Okay?" He said and I nodded, "I love you. And sometimes I'm not good at saying it so I buy you things that remind me of you or I think you'd like."

"I know and I'm so grateful but I grew up watching my brother take money from my parents like they owed it to him and hearing my mom tell me about what debts she had and were paying off making me more cautious and less likely to ask for something if I wanted it."

He nodded understanding.

"It's not something you can change over night and I'm not going to ask you to. I'm not going to change my habits though, I'm still going to spoil you. Okay?" I nodded smiling.

"But if you ever get the courage to ask for something I'm probably going to do a happy dance and buy you like 10 things plus the thing you want." He said with a grin I laughed.

"Jay can I ask for something?"

His eyes lit up.

"Anything you want baby girl." He said

"May I have a kiss?" I asked

He rolled his eyes

"You are such a dork." He said before placing his lips sweetly on mine.

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