chapter 9

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"Follow her" and our car pulled up and jack drove and followed her. I'm such an IDOIT! why did I say that! She stops to a beach and jack dropped me off but far so she won't see me she gets out her car and take off her shoes and walks on the sand "it pretty out" I said she looks at me and trys to walk back to her car intill I stopped her "please I'm sorry I was stupid I didn't mean to say that back there, please forgive me" I said, Lila looks at the ground "y/n" "what?" I said "y/n, that's my real name" she said slowly looking at me "well hello y/n my name is mark" I said with a smile "well hello to you to, do u Walk around the beach?" She asked "yeah I would love that" I said and started talking about our self's ,I can see that y/n got tired of carrying her shoes "hey y/n do you want me to take your shoes?" I asked "no I can carry them I don't want u to you have your shoes in your hands so-" she said and looked at her shoes, I grabbed her shoes "its OK I can" as I said that I put my shoes down and we started walking again.


Me and Mark started walking and talking about stupid stuff and I felt the wind and it was getting cold I shivered "are you cold?" He asked "yeah let me go back to my car and get my -" I was cut off by mark taking off his jacket and putting it over my shoulders "umm you don't have to I'm not that cold" I said and looked at me "I want to " he gave me a cute smile... Wait did I just said that he is cute?! "Th-thank you" I said and I started to blush."well I thank we should go back home its getting late" I said looking at my phone its 11:30 "yeah but there's one thing" he said and I looked at him "yeah what is it?" I asked " well my friends dropped me off so I have no ride" " oh its OK I can drave u home " I said and smiled at him and I can see a light pink on his face" " umm are u sure?" "Yeah!" He gave me a hug he let me go and we walked beck to my car, we got in to the car " soo where do u live?" I asked and starting the car "well can I stay at your house?" My face felt hot "w-wait w-what?" I said " can i ? Its just going to be one night because I am so lazy and I can vlog when I'm there, soo yeah?" He asked " um sure but its not a house its a apartment" I said "and u can stay in the guest room" I said and started to head to my house " awesome!"

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