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After the fans left, Luke walks up to Michael and I, and he gives us the strangest look on the planet.

"Am I missing something?" he asks, looking between us, which makes me look between Michael and Luke.

"What do you mean?" I ask, not understanding.

"You are up at 5am wearing Michael's shirt. You said you were going to sleep when I asked to hang out last night," Luke looked hurt. "And Michael, why are you smiling? Stop, it looks weird." And he does. Michael stops smiling immediately, and walks away from Luke and I, back inside the tour bus.

I give Luke a look, wanting to cuss at him for ruining Michael's mood, but I totally understood where Luke was coming from too. Luke was jealous, and used to Michael treating him like crap, so there was nothing different going on. "I called you because that girl really wanted to meet you, not so you can act like a butthole," I say instead, and I cringe at my word.

"He's the butthole, Millie, do you not understand that?" Luke questions me, pointing with his arm in the direction that Michael went. "He's been nothing but mean to you, and you still let him get in your pants. You could get fired, you know."

"I didn't let him in my pants, Luke," I run my hands through my hair, taking a deep breath, trying to calm myself down before I started yelling. I was a professional. "I grabbed this shirt off the ground. You have no right to accuse me of things like that, I'm your therapist."

Luke slowly unclenched his fists, obviously trying to calm himself down as well. "I'm sorry. I just—I don't know," he says, stopping himself from saying something. He almost looked jealous. "Do you want to come hang out?" Luke asks, looking from me, to the tour bus, and back to the hotel where he came from.

I knew Michael was upset right now, and it would be mean of me to go hang out with Luke, but all I was thinking about is that I didn't want to almost have sex with Michael again and cause real drama. If I could convince Luke that Michael cared about the band too, then maybe that could be the start of fixing the band.

"Yeah, let's go. Maybe you could help me make a twitter," I laugh, and follow Luke up to his hotel room. On the way up, we pass Calum kissing a girl goodbye in the hallway, and I'm not surprised by her short black dress, messy hair and the carrying of heels in her hand. It was so typical.

"Okay, so here's what you do," Luke instructs me, bringing his laptop with him and taking a seat next to me on the bed. "You have to create a username that no one else is using," he instructs me and hands me the laptop, and I immediately use the same name I'd used for MySpace and stuff.

"millieroxursox?" Luke laughs and I nod, shrugging off his laugher. I was slightly offended, I loved the name. "Okay, now you have to put a bio. Like '21 and tour life livin,' or 'I'm Millie and I read minds'," Luke jokes around. I think for a minute, wanting to have something cool.

I type in saving people from themselves since '93, and smile at the fastness of my brain. "You're so cool," Luke rolls his eyes, and then he tells me to choose a password, and then he ends up stealing the laptop back from me and makes the password, giggling as he does so.

"What did you put?" I shake my head at him as the account gets created.

"I put 'Lukeisawesome69'." Luke doesn't stop laughing for about five minutes, and that's when I realize he has the mentality of a five year old sometimes.

"Luke," I push him off the bed so maybe he'd stop laughing, but he doesn't; it just makes him laugh harder, and soon he's rolling on the floor in laughter. I get off the bed and stand above him, just staring at him in disbelief, and then he grabs one of my legs and pulls me down on top of him.

"Now you can't judge me because you're on the floor laughing too," Luke smiles, watching me now laughing hysterically too. I let my head droop into his shoulder, not having enough energy to hold it up anymore.

"It's 6 in the morning, Luke," I say, still laughing. I didn't notice that Luke had stopped until I lift my head and look at him, and he's just staring at me with a stupid smile on his face.

"You should laugh like that more often, it looks good on you," my smile fades as Luke says this, because he was so nice and I wasn't good for him.

"So," I change the subject, rolling off him so I'm lying next to him instead. "I wanted to talk to you."

"Yeah?" Luke asks, sobering up from his laugh attack.

"You know how you think all of the boys don't like you?" I ask, changing the atmosphere in the room completely. Luke nods, signaling me to continue. "I was talking to Michael last night, and he told me about the times you guys would all run around all night and then talk on top of the tour bus about your guys' future. He misses everything just as much as you do, and I think you should try talking to him about things."

Luke bites his lips, considering my information. "I've tried. He always shuts me out, or acts like a dick toward me."

"This morning he wasn't, though. You're the one who made the comment, and I think it really hurt him, Luke." I take a deep breath, trying not to think about how sad I got every time I thought about Michael being sad. "It might take a little bit, but if you guys both try being nicer to each other, I think you're both on the same page."

"Do you wanna watch our concert tonight?" Luke changes the subject, and I nod my head yes.

"I watch it every night, except for last night..."

"No I mean, do you want to watch it form front row? The full experience?" Luke smiled, looking at me, impatiently waiting for my answer.

"Well yeah, but I don't want to take a ticket from a fan who can have it instead," I argue him, but I didn't feel like arguing because I honestly really did want to see them from the front row.

"Just take it, dude," Luke goes to his bag, pulling out a random ass ticket, as if he'd already planned on giving it to. "I'll put in some Muke action for you too."

"What's a Muke?"

. . . . . .  

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