New Kid

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The day I lost my innocence was the day I started high school. I was the new girl. The girl who cared about her grades more than the latest trends in fashion. I sat in the passenger seat of my father's Infinity Q50. He was in his lower thirties and the single mothers of our neighborhood certainly had no problem bring multiple dishes of casserole and meatloaf over to welcome us. I would watch from my upstairs room as they would scurry up our walk away with hopes that my father would open the door. I would see the discomfort and the slump of their shoulders when my 30-year-old athletic mother would open the door. My mother and father had been high school sweethearts, getting married as soon as they gradated. They both went straight from high school into the real world. No college, they are incredibly smart and athletic. My dad became the CEO of a big electrical company in New York, (which was the reason we had to move) but he was a mixed martial arts trainer on the side. He trained the greats. If you heard their names then my father probably had something to do with their training. He began teaching me at a young age. I train with him every week day and take the weekends off. He claims I'm one of his best students by far. But I just nod him off and assume he's just saying that because I'm his daughter. My mother, due to my father's success, was a stay at home mom and every so often teaches a yoga class but is always on her computer, incredible focused in whatever she is reading. We pulled behind the huge line of cars of mothers and fathers dropping off their child or children. I saw many kids running to friends, embracing them after a long summer break of not seeing each other.

I reached behind my seat, grabbed my blue north face backpack and set it in my lap. "Well, see you at 3:30... if I make it that far." I told my dad with obvious resentment about starting my first day.
"You'll be fine kiddo." He said patting me on my back. He smiled relieving his perfect white teeth, "show 'em what you're made of." He told me putting his hands next to face in a boxing position and punched the air. I returned the smile, opened the car door and stepped out. "Good luck." I heard him tell me as I shut the door.
I threw my backpack over my left shoulder and sighed, "Here we go," I whispered to myself. I had a plan. Keep my head down and speak to no one. Don't make any friends. I'm only going to leave them in the spring. I'm a freshman but I'm graduating early. While my fellow peers were having a normal summer; I was at home, my head buried in a book, trying to get all the credits I needed for my freshman, sophomore and junior years. I pulled my schedule out of my pocket and over look it one more time. My first class was Advance Placement Engineering. Something I was very good at was math. This class should be a breeze. I thought. I walked up the stairs to the entrance of the school. I shoved my schedule back into my pocket and reach with my other hand for the door.
"Let me get that for you," I heard a deep voice say from my right. I look to see who said it and saw a boy standing there smiling at me. Our eyes meet and I couldn't look away. His eyes were a beautiful shade of blue. He had shaggy blonde hair and he was about 6' 3".
I forced myself to look away, hoping that he didn't notice my blushed checks, "um, thanks." I said not making eye contact. I walked into the school. I heard students chatting about their summer and how they hated that it went by so quickly. I looked around the school and saw sign supporting the athletics and academics. There seemed to be a huge diversity of students but I felt like I didn't fit in anywhere. As the bell rang, the unorganized groups of students became organized and walk in the same general direction. I look around for the boy with the blue eyes but he had already filed into the group of students. I snapped back into reality. I couldn't believe that I was breaking my number one rule, which was keep my head down and not draw attention to myself. The bell rang letting us know that school had officially started and we need to move along to our first class. I began walking towards my class. People were pushing and shoving me. I was unnoticed to them and they made me feel like a burden. I walked into my AP Engineering class. I was the first one there. I decided to sit in the middle of the desks that way I wouldn't be all that noticed. I watch as my fellow classmates came through the door. All of them where guys, not one girl. The second bell rang, letting us know that if you weren't in your class you were late.
The teacher walked in. He was an older man, who had white hair and a clean shaven face. He began to write on the chalkboard. When he was done, I read 'Welcome to AP Engineering'. He turned wiping his hands on his dress pants and said, "Hi my name is Mr. Singer...." He wasn't able to continue because he was cut off by someone opening the door. My stomach dropped. It was him, the boy with the blue eyes. I sunk down in the chair, hoping he wouldn't notice me. I thought to soon he noticed me and smiled; I broke his gaze and looked at the chalkboard.
"Sorry I'm late," he told Mr. Singer.

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