[ Two ]

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You're my who?

[ Yoojin ]

Time skip. Mr Kim's office.

*knock knock*

"Come in." A demanding, deep, loud voice said. One of the bodyguard, Tao, as what he introduced me as, opened the door for me.

I slowly walked in and looked around. His office is not only huge, but also well furnished. There is even a toilet in his office, wtf.

"I see, you've arrived." A somewhat look like mid 50 man spun around, while smiling kindly at me. I smiled back awkwardly and did a simple greeting.

"Do take a seat, Yoojin-ssi."

"Ne." I sat down slowly on one of his black leather couch and my oh my, it's so comfortable.

"I'm truly sad about what happened to your mother, Yoojin. I guess you're curious as to why I asked you here?" I nodded my head briefly.

"This may sound crazy and absurd to you, but my dear, I am actually your father." My eyes almost popped out of its sockets when he said that.

"W-Wait what? Is this a hidden camera joke?" I look around to search for the cameras.

"No Yoojin. I'm really your father."

"There's no way that you're my father! I'm so poor and you're so rich! Plus, we don't look alike."

" *Sigh* You're just like your mother, so stubborn. Look, if you don't believe me, we can do a DNA test right now. Anyways, that's not the main point. I know that you're having financial difficulties, I want to help you. Whether you believe that I'm your father or not, just trust me, I want to help you."

"H-How?" I asked, "It's simple. Just move in with me and become my daughter, that's all."

"A-And.. How can I trust you?"

"Look Yoojin, you don't have money so I can't scammed you, plus I don't need money. I'm not a pedophile hence I won't hit on you. You literally have nothing that will benefit me."


"I'll provide you a shelter, clothes to wear, food, education and money. Anything you want."

Should I trust him? But he has a point though, I'm literally worthless to him, so he wouldn't scam me right?

"I--Er... Alright. I'll move in to your house. But if you dare touch me, I WILL kill you." He put his hands up in defense and chuckled, "You're just like your mum."

"Go back and rest now Yoojin. I'll ask Tao and Jackson to pick you up tomorrow. Don't worry, you don't have to pack many stuff, my mansion have almost all the things you need."

"Jun! Escort her back." A new face came in, he was wearing the same black suit as Jackson and Tao, another bodyguard?

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