Act the 2nd

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When I enter Hogwarts I start towards the Hufflepuff common room hoping to find someone who will let me in. I want to talk to Clara and make sure she's okay about losing the match. Luckily I find her outside the Great Hall talking with Lyra. Lyra is a Ravenclaw like me and is the smartest girl in our year. She has striking green eyes and her pixie cut hair is a dark brown. They're talking about the match as I go to meet them.

"It's fine that you guys won.", Clara says. "Besides, you deserve it more. If we don't get the House Cup, Ravenclaw should. It's time for a change."

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay with losing. I know how you can be sometimes." Lyra replies.

"Hey, how are you guys?" I intervene before things go too far.

"We're fine." They say in unison.

"Well, do you guys want to go to the kitchen and get some brownies from the house elves?"

"Sure." They say in unison again and start laughing.

We head to kitchen where we run into the rest of our group.

"We were wondering when you guys would show up." Mason says. I see Clara start to blush out of the corner of my eye. I guess she likes him too. I go to sit down next to Mason, but Clara beats me there so I end up next to Lyra instead. The house elves ask us what we want and we all get different types of brownies. Once we have them, we begin to talk about the school year.

"Do you guys know when the next Hogsmeade trip is?" Amelia asks.

"I think it's going to be this Saturday." Mason tells her. "Why do you want to know?"

"I think we should invite Liam to come with us." She tells us. We stare at her for a minute before we all start laughing.

"You like him, don't you!" Lyra says while laughing.

"Maybe I do, what's wrong with that?" Amelia says starting to get angry. We stop laughing, but I see Lyra look over to Mason with a sad look. Wait a minute, does Mason like Amelia? That would explain the sad look. Wow. I guess it's time Mason and I had a little chat.

"I don't think we should invite him. I mean we barely have a chance to hang out all together as a group. So why don't we go together this time and we invite him for the next trip?" I say, as I discreetly look over to Mason. He looks a little happier now that Liam isn't coming. I guess I'm a little sad that he isn't coming, just because if he did then I would be able to hang with Mason more, but if Mason is happy then it's all good with me.

After staying in the kitchens for a couple more hours, we all head back up to our separate common rooms. When we get to the Ravenclaw common room, Mason and I go up to the dorms. I want to talk to him about this whole Amelia thing. I wonder why he never mentioned it before. Mason told me he was going to take a shower so I waited for him to get out before we started talking.

When he finally gets out, after a good 30 minutes may I add, he sits on my bed since he knew I wanted to talk.

"What's up?" He asks me.

"How long have you liked Amelia?" I ask, jumping right into what I really want to talk about. He looks flustered and it takes him a minute to answer.

"Ah well.. A while I guess" I stare at him, thinking this over.

"Why did you tell Lyra and not me? I thought we told each other everything?"

"Well Lyra knows Amelia. She would know if she liked me back. I just wanted to see if I had a chance with her, but I guess I don't if she likes Liam." He tells me all this with a sad look on his face. As his friend I want to help him, but as the person who has a crush on him all I want is for him to forget that he ever liked Amelia. I guess friend comes first though.

"Let's make a plan. We can call Lyra in here tomorrow and figure out a way to get Amelia to like you and not Liam." I tell him this while fighting my own emotions.

"Really?" He asks, looking at me weirdly.

"Yeah. I mean why not? You deserve to get the girl you want." I tell him, with the same weird look on my face.

"Ok. I'll talk to Lyra in class tomorrow and tell her to meet us." Once he says that he gets up to go to his bed. I'm starting to regret this plan. But I guess if he's happy then I'm happy.

2 Generations Later (Feat. GelexiaGirl and friends)Where stories live. Discover now