Act the Third

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I wake up in the morning, and realize that I overslept. I manage to pull off my pyjamas and on my regular clothes. In the past few years, Hogwarts has loosened up a bit with their dress code. No more uniforms, but no rips, profanity, no short skirts or shorts, and no Gilderoy Lockhart promoting t-shirts after his Pixie Dust scandal. But other than that, most things are fair game. I'm wearing a Panic in the Labyrinth t-shirt and faded denim jeans. I quickly run a comb through my hair and dash out of the tower.

"Crap crap crap," I thought.

I almost trip over a root on my way to my Advanced Trigonometry class. A couple of years ago, the American school, Ilvermorny, had started to boast that it offered curriculum outside of the magical type, so of course Hogwarts had to counter that. The first half of the day consists of academic subjects, such as Arithmetic, Creative Writing, and Science. But it's during the second half where things get interesting. I stumble into class, right in the middle of Bronwyn's daily lecture.

"Where've you been, Mr. Corella?" She asks incredulously.

I hear some snickers from the back of the room, and Alfie Watts yells "Probably *Cottaging out back with some other pansy!"

(*Cottaging, British slang for having homosexual relations in a public bathroom)

I slide down into my seat, mortified. Alfie Watts was an insanely arrogant pureblood, and didn't let anyone forget that his father was the head honcho at the Ministry of Magic. After four hours of pure torture, it was finally time for lunch. I grab a few corned beef sandwiches and slink outside before Alfie can find me. I spot Clara and Mason sitting down and munching on some chicken salad. Mason always had interesting food, like sausages or bean sprouts. It makes sense that he was usually the odd one out, considering he was a transfer from the Ilvermorny school in America. We had become good friends in our second year, when a bludger knocked me off of my broom during a Quidditch match and he stayed with me through the day, to help me do things. His brother, Alistair, was a cook for the school. They had been brought over as part of an exchange student trip, along with Niels Fabel, the kind of dreamy looking German guy. He had always been kind of a mystery to me. So when he starts walking over to our group, my heart is a bit jumpy. He sits down next to me, grinning.

"Hallo, I don't think we've really talked that much before!" He says, holding out a slender hand. "The name's Niels."

I apprehensively take his hand. He was a bit of a trickster as I had observed, and I wasn't sure if he had a buzzer in his hand or something.

"Finnick Corella. Charmed," I reply.

He looks down at his satchel, frowning. His hand darts in and seems to grab something, and he gets a slight look of pain on his face. He must see the inquisitive look written across my face, so he pulls his hand out of the bag, and in it, a small, green creature. A bowtruckle.

"Sorry for the interruption. Dionysus here can get a bit... persnickity at times," He chuckles a bit.

I liked him.

For the next few days nothing really happened, aside from more boring classes and general torture. And when the trip to Hogsmeade comes around, I'm excited to get out of here for a day.

When we arrive at Hogsmeade, the first place I rush to is Honeydukes. After the old manager had retired, a new one had taken it up, and now the candy shop was famous for being full of wonder and every type of sweet you could think of. Of course the first thing I buy are some Fizzing Whizzbees, a semi sweet, semi sour delight that makes you float a few inches off of the ground. Next, some blood lollipops and gummy slugs, and some never-melt ice cream to top it off. I rush to our meeting spot, where I find something... surprising. There, on the bench of the meeting spot that we've had since second year, I see Clara and Neils snogging. Intensely.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2016 ⏰

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