Just Us

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- K E L S E Y –

Today was the day I was going to meet Ms. Shelia. I decided to bake a red velvet cake and some strawberry cupcakes. I got dressed and August & I was on our to Ms. Shelia house.

"I'm sooo nervous baby

Aug: Baby, she going to love you.

"We'll see"

We arrived to Ms. Shelia house and I took a deep breath and got out. August held my hand and we went up to the door. August rung the doorbell and Ms. Shelia opened the door and hugged August.

Shelia : I missed you August, took you a long time to come visit me.

She looked at me and smile.

Shelia: You got a girlfriend August

Aug: Yeah and we gotta tell you something

Shelia: Well come on in

We went inside and I saw 3 cute little girls sitting on the couch with Melvin and some girl. I guess that was Melvin girlfriend.

Mel: Hey Kelsey

Chandra: Hey

" Hi "

The Girls: Uncle Aug

Aug: Yall been good

Maya: KayKay hasn't

KayKay: shut up

Chandra: Kayden watch your mouth

KayKay: Sorry mama

Chay: I got an 80% on my test uncle Aug

Aug: That good. Everybody this is Kelsey. My baby

Chandra: I'm Chandra and that's KayKay, Chay and Miya.

"They are so gorgeous, I can't wait till I have one

Mel: Yall working on a baby?

August looked at me and I smiled

"I'm Pregnant"

Then I heard someone scream and Ms. Shelia came running in the living room,

Ms. Shelia: About time August

I giggled and she hugged me tight. We headed home and I felt better after all. His mother loves me and his family is amazing


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