A New Rival?

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(Your POV)

As I was thinking of a prank to play on Jeff in my room I heard a knock on the door. Slowly walking to the door I opened it to see a girl I've never seen before (no not me don't worry).. She has black hair up to her waist and blue eyes.. She was wearing a black shirt and jeans.. For some reason she was glaring at me so I finally spoke "did u need something..?" after that her glare turned into a death glare and she said "yea I need you to stay away from MY EJ" as those words came out her mouth it struck my heart like a lightning rod.. He has a girlfriend..? NO DON'T THINK LIKE THAT! Maybe she has a crush on him.. Right? I closed the door and locked it then sat on my bed thinking out what she had told me.. Weird.. I've never felt this upset ever in my life.. Why is that? I only have a small crush on him.. Right..? I decided to shrug it off for now and went to bed.. To my surprise it was a nightmare, Great!


I found myself in what seems to be a forever lasting hallway.. I shrug my shoulders and started to walk down it thinking that I will get out but inside it took me to what I last wanted to see.. It was.. That girl.. And... E.J.
They looked so happy together.. That's when I heard him say "Misa I love you so much" (dun like the name? Your free to change it) as he said that my heart shattered.. "I love you too!!" she responded cheerfully.. My eyes still started to water but I quickly shook my head... No!!! This can't be real!!! Please.. no... That's when I felt my body lift and took me to a dark room.. I found myself in front of slender man.. He said "you are no longer needed here (Y/n)". He left and then came Jeff, he gave me a creepy smile and stabbed my right in the heart then said "Go To Sleep". And just like that.. I died..

(Your POV)

I woke up trembling and sweating.. I never thought I could tremble honestly.. I guess that dream really gave me a scare huh.. I heard a knock on the door so I got up and opened it only to see a worried Ben, Jeff, and EJ.. Wow didn't expect Jeff to ever worry about me to be perfectly honest.. That's when Ben said "are u OK? You were screaming and what sounded like crying..." I nodded slightly confused.. I was screaming? they all sighed and went back to their room except EJ.. I looked at him confused and he hugged me making me blush but more confused.. What's happening? He looked at me and said "did misa told you something..." I really didn't want to tell him but it's been bothering me so much I had to tell someone... I nodded and he said "what did she say?" slightly looking down I responded "she said that you were hers.." he hugged me tighter while whispering "im not... And I'll never be.. I don't love her.." I nodded slightly relieved and what he said next surprised
"is it OK if I sleep in your room?" I stared at him blankly not knowing how to respond to this, finally slowly nodding he went inside my room and I slowly closed the door trying to process what's happening.. I layed on my bed and without realizing it I fell asleep, guess I was really tired huh?

Slowly waking up to the morning light I tried to get up but realized something was holding me down. I looked down to see arms around my waist, slowly turning around to see EJ without his mask. I stared at his face for a while before realizing what's happening, my face turned completely red.. No!! No blushing! Oh god.. I started struggling to get up making him wake up.. He stared at me and he soon realize what was happening, he quickly let go embarrassed and put his mask back on.. He quickly left the room and I went to the bathroom, after a few minutes of cooling down I got dressed and went down to get breakfast.. I started to slow down at the sight.. Misa was sitting next to EJ.. And she was hugging him.. Yet he did nothing.. I tried my best to ignore it and stay away from them as much as possible.. Suddenly both Ben and Jeff sat beside me making me feel better but im still getting Jeff back! I smiled and slightly giggled which seemed to have bothered EJ a bit, wonder why..


Dammit this plan isnt working at all!!! (Y/n) isnt getting jealous at all! Instead she smiled and slightly giggled! Does she like someone else?! Jeff?! Ben?! Why did she sit away from me?! I don't understand! I got up from my seat which seemed to have gotten her attention and left the mansion, I want her to be mine! And mine only!!! Ill.. Have to confess to her one day.. But will she return the feelings? Does she even like me? God help me..

(Your POV)

Jack seemed upset when he left.. Did something bother him? I mean he seemed to have been enjoying misa's hug.. He didn't even try to push her away so why is he so upset? I shrugged it off and ate breakfast then went to the couch to watch Ben and Jeff play video games, although I didn't want to think about EJ I couldn't help but to think about what had happened.. Did he want something? Well whatever he wanted I couldn't tell because of his stupid mask.. He looked a lot cuter without it anyways! Wait.. What am I saying! I.. I shouldn't be thinking of such things at a time like this! I need to be planning revenge on Jeff! Yea...


I am very VERY VERY VERY SORRY that I haven't updated
Im so slowly ;-;
And if your still reading
Thank you
Much love
N see see ya time

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