Welcome To The Family!

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So liek
Im currently trying to get a body for the girl with blue hair n red eyes
Which mean she isnt real just made up :') so imma draw her so u dun need to picture her in ur mind
This might b a short one

(Your POV)

-next day-
I was in my room listening to favorite song until someone tapped me, slowly sitting up and taking the headphones off I looked up to see BEN smiling. That's a nice sign, it was almost adorable when he smiled, although he'd probably get angery if I told him that so I kept it to myself. I smiled and said "need anything?" without hesitation he grabbed my arm then dragged me downstairs and to my surprise Jane and Sally were there. I was confused so I looked at them and they just laughed a bit while shaking their heads, finally Sally broke the silence and said "were going shopping!!!" I nodded happily and went out the door with them, while we were walking out they told me to wait while they changed into their human form. I nodded and they went behind a tree, they came out looking completely normal and we went to the mall. Jane looked at me and said "pick out a cute dress" I was a bit confused to why but I went along and tried out different dresses. Jane ended up a black dress while Sally picked out a pink sparkly one, I got a (Dress/Design) and we went back to the mansions. They told me to take a shower and change into it, I nodded and did as told and am now sitting on the bed fixing my hair. Toby walked in and looked at me, he almost looked like he was blushing but I shrugged it off and smiled at him, "Hey Toby, need anything" he nodded "go downstairs in a bit something's there waiting for you" I nodded and he left. After a bit I went downstairs to a surprise...


As soon as (Y/N) stepped into the dark living room I turned the lights on and we all yelled "surprise!!!", she jumped and looked around in amazement while smiling. That's nice she hasn't really been smiling like she was enjoying herself. Hoodie started to play music and everyone started dancing, I walked up to (Y/N) smiling and she looked at me curiously. I hugged her tightly and yelled "welcome to the family!!!!" everyone joined in the hug and said "yea!!!" she started giggling while crying tears of joy, I wiped them away and she smiled happily. She was very adorable when she smiled, I rubbed her head and went to get some food, EJ was out on a killing spree.. Good

(Ticci Toby POV)

I walked over to (Y/N) and hugged her tightly, I enjoyed seeing her adorable smile and blurted out "you're so adorable.." I slightly blushed but had no regrets cuz it was true when I looked at her she was blushing quietly mumbled "th-thank you.." I chuckled at her embarrassment and moved my mouth guard down then kissed her head. Her cheeks became red and she giggled, it was a beautiful night with only her smiles.. And none of her tears were shed because of hurt but joy, I smiled at the thought and moved my mouth guard back in place. We enjoyed the rest of the night having fun

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