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"She's coming over Perrie," Brad told the blonde as he placed her phone on the bedside table. "Now can I go now? I need to see Tristan now. And we still have band practice later."

"Nooooo!" Perrie whined. She didn't want Jade seeing her like this. All vulnerable and weak. She's supposed to be the strong one in the relationship, the 'man' one. Well she couldn't stand by that now since she's very ill. If she hadn't forgotten about having allergies to caramel, she wouldn't be this ill. She didn't blame Jade though, she was at fault for not remembering her allergy issues.

"Why do you still need me anyway, Per? Your girlfriend is coming to take care of you."

"Because," she sneezed. "I don't want her to see me like this. She'll blame herself for this." She rubbed her nose using the back of her hand.

Brad shook her head at his friend. Typical ol' Perrie, she wants to be always the strong one in their squad. Always wants to be the one that takes care of each and everyone, not be the one who needs to be taken care of.

"What do you want me to do then?"

"Do not let her in here. Do everything to stop her to see me right now." She commanded and sneezed again. "I don't want her to worry so much about me. Invite Tristan now if you need help, just don't let Jade see me."

Brad sighed. He had no choice. It either he help her friend or get into another argument with her. He didn't want thatbto happen again so he decided to help his friend. He dialled Tristan's number and he immediately told him about everything.


Jade parked her car outside Perrie's flat. She got out of the car and walked towards the gate, carrying two full paper bags. She rang the doorbell and patiently waited for someone to open the door.

Brad peeked from the window and saw that the brunette was already there. He hurried back to the blonde's room to tell her the news.

Perrie groaned. "Do something Simpson! Don't let her in no matter what!" She commandes in between coughs. Her allergy keeps getting worse.

Brad nodded and ran downstairs to open the door.

"Hiya Jade!" He greeted the brunette and Jade just smiled before making her way inside without another word. The lad cursed to himself, how could he stop Jade now?

He followed the brunette inside the kitchen and he found her placing the Chinese take-out she bought. 'She knows Perrie so well' the lad thought and smiled. He knows that Perrie's favorite take-out is Chinese and everytime she is sick, she always craves for it.

Brad also noticed that brunette bought so much food, atleast that's what he assumed since Jade kept getting out food from one of the paper bags.

"What are you doing?" He asked the brunette as Jade started to take out some medicines.

"I picked up some meds for Pez."

"Why so many?"

Jade sighed. "I don't really know if she had a disease or her allergies attacked her again so I bought every possible medicine she could need."

Brad smiled, she really cared for her blonde friend. Both of them are lucky that they have each other.

"I don't think you'll need any of those though," Brad said and Jade gave him a confused look. "All the medicines she needs is you."

The brunette chuckled a bit and playfully slapped his arm before carrying the tray of food and medicines and walking upstairs to Perrie's room.

She knocked three times and when she heard Perrie say a weak 'come in', she made her way inside.

Perrie on the other hand was killing the lad downstairs for he had done nothing to stop Jade. She was sure of it.

"J-jade?" Perrie coughed. "What are you doing here?" She coughed again.

Jade's heart sank as she saw how weak and vulnerable Perrie's state is. She never seen her so sick like this.

"Aww baba," Jade startes as she made her way next to Perrie's bed, placing the tray on the bedside table and seating next to Perrie, making sure to place a comforting hand on her forehead to check her temperature. "Baby, you're so hot."

Perrie chuckled weakly and said, "I'm aware of that, I always am silly." She joked and Jade playfully hit her on the head.

"Stop messing around with me Edwards. You still had a lot of explaining to do. Why haven't you told me that you are allergic to caramel?" Jade started to lecture Perrie as she slolwly gave her the take-out she bought. She helped Perrie eat and drink her medicine before playing the movie the blonde always loved, Finding Nemo.

The two watched the movie, cuddled on Perrie's bed, Jade making sure that Perrie was in a comfortable position. Her head was on top of Jade's bed as her right arm was wrapped around the brunette's waist. The older Geordie's hand was combing her golden locks while her other hand was caressing her cheek.

Eventhough Perrie was sick and she didn't want Jade to see her like this, she was glad that she did because she wouldn't cuddle again with Jade like this again.


It was short and crappy and this is not what I expected to turn out but because I am busy with school, it ended up like this. I'm sorry guys.


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