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"So Camz told me that I should get her all of these kinds of food, some Disney movies, a new pair of pajamas and tampons. What on earth is a tampon?" Perrie asked the older girl that earned her a smack from the girl.

"I know what a girl that's suffering from her period wants, no need to tell me. I'm a girl too." Jesy said as she pushed the cart to the alley where personal care products are placed. "And a tampon is what we girls use when we are on our period."

"But I'm a girl too! I should know about these kind of stuff." Perrie whined, not wanting Jesy to lead their grocery shopping.

"But you don't since you don't have what we have." Jesy said and Perrie couldn't help but blush. This was the first time that Jesy pointed out Perrie's difference from the other girls, and she can't help but feel embarassed about it. Jesy noticed that Perrie felt uncomfortable. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way."

Perrie shook her head. "Its fine, let's just finish this so I could see my baby and take care of her!"

Jesy smiled. Her friend really loves her girl.


With half an hour of shopping and half an hour of driving, Perrie reached the Thirlwall's residence, carrying 2 bags on each hand as she got out of the car. She rang the doorbell and soon she was greeted by a smiling Norma.

"Well hello there Perrie," she greeted her. "What brought you here?"

Perrie smiled and said. "I've heard that Jadey is having trouble with something today so I came here as fast as I could and bought everything that could help ease the pain." Norma awed. She never met somebody as caring and loving like Perrie to her daughter. She let the blonde in and both of them made their way to the kitchen.

"Well I think Jadey was fast asleep now, so if you really are planning to surprise her, it would totally work." Norma said and patted the blonde's shoulder. "I'll just be in my room if you need help, okay? Good luck." And with that Norma left Perrie alone in the kitchen.

"Right, time to work!" She announced to herself as she took the products inside the paper bag out. She placed two pints of ice cream inside the fridge, she set the variety of junk foods, chocolates and candies aside and she started to make mushroom soup for her love.

As she was stirring the soup, her phone beeped.

(Camila 12:21 pm) so how'd it go? Ya got eveything i told ya to bring?

The blonde texted back a 'yes' before focusing her attention to her cooking. Eventhough she was already a great cook, she knows that she had to impress her girlfriend again since she was sick.

As Perrie was busy chopping the mushrooms, another text was received. She looked at her phone and saw that it was Jesy.

(Jesy 12:32 pm) tell me the details after pez!

Perrie just shook her head at her friend's text. The older girl kept teasing her about having sex with her girl eventhough she's on her period. Of course, Perrie was disgusted by it. She won't force Jade to do anything she wants unless she wanted to do. She respects the girl's decision, she may or may not like how it will turn out, she still respects the brunette.

(Perrie 12:44 pm) stop being so dirty minded Nelson! Shut up now cuz i'm in the middle of cooking

As she pressed send, as if on cue, the water started boiling which means that the soup was all done and ready to be served. She took out the bowl and put half on it. After that, she got the utensils out and some table napkin. Then she rummaged through one of the paper bags and got out two tablets, one for Jade's massive headache and one for her abdominal pain. Perrie was indeed glad that she didn't have to experience this kind of pain since she had a dick instead of a vagina so she thanked the Lord for that.

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