Chapter 1: Lux

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"Minds that have withered into psychosis are far more terrifying than any character of fiction."

- Christian Baloga


Paradigm Psychiatric Ward. That's really just a bunch of words strung together with a very simple meaning- a mental hospital. People from all over come here. It first started out as a regular hospital, but then as time grew on the need for mental institutions grew as society kept getting worse. Best part is, I get to work here. Nothing else screams excitement like a mental hospital right? Honestly, I'm not sure why I'm even here. I don't believe that people can be insane or crazy because there is always a reason for a person's actions or behavior. For example: if a guy murdered another man, it could be out of anger, jealousy, or just hate. No matter what it is, there is always a reason.

"Lux, a patient in 4B wants you to go and visit him," Kateson informs me. Kateson and I are only two out of the dozens of psychologists that work here. As our job, we must help the patients into recovery and move on from their "deranged" behavior. I nod and give her a small smile. Even though these patients are supposedly crazy, I see them all as normal human beings. They are just midjudged and overlooked. So whenever I can, I visit each and every one of them- making sure that they are okay. No other nurse or doctor or psychologist does this.

I make my way down the hall and to room 4B. Each door has an automatic lock, but on rare occassions there are power outages, so there are also seven extra locks on the door. Yeah, this psych ward is all about security. Personally I don't see why there is a need for seven extra locks if there is security all over the perimeter. There is never a minute where there are no guards. That has its advantages and disadvantages. When I finally reach 4B, I swipe my card and open the door.

"Hey Scott," I say. He looks up at me and smiles.

"Lux, you came. How are you?" he asks. Scott has been the most sane patient this ward has ever had. I don't even know why he's here. People say it's because he tried killing his father and when that didn't work, killing himself.

"I'm good. And you?" I ask. "Horrible, as always. How much longer do I have to be in this place?" I sigh heavily and take a seat on one of the uncomfortable chairs in his room.

"Scott, you and I had this talk before. When you get out is not up to me. It is up to my boss and whether he thinks you're okay to be released or not," I explain. He nods understandingly and lies down on his bed.

"Thanks for coming in here Lux. None of the other psychologists will talk to me, unless they want to analyze me or some shit." A light laugh escapes my throat as I proceed to stand up.

"You'll get out soon Scott, don't worry." I open the door and walk out of Scott's room. Working here at Paradigm Psychiatric Ward has taught me one thing: no one is insane. No matter what anyone tells you, you're not insane.

+ + + +

"Stop it! You don't know me! You're just a bitch who's making her money feeding me crap! Get me out of here!" the patient screams at me. She attempts to throw herself at me, but the two gaurds hold her back. Working as a psychologist here is quite freighting to be honest. Some of these people have criminal records, others start acting a bit paranoid because of the enclosed spaces they're in and this constant questioning. Lots of times they lash out at us for no apparent reason. I find it scary, yet intriguing at the same time. Part of the reason as to why I wanted to be psychologist, was because I wanted to figure out how the human brain works and why it reacts to certain things. Don't you find it interesting? What triggers our brains to do certain things and act a certain way? It's so fascinating.

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