Chapter 3: Bad Girl

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"Anywho I think Lux is very caring... She seems to care about all the patients.... Nope and she's a badass too for being with Niall when she isn't supposed to be. So she's fucking awesome."

- B


The clock seems to be ticking slower than usual. It's around four PM and no one has come to see me. What happened to all my patients? I have patients who are supposed to come and see me! Where is everyone? I decide to walk outside and figure everything out.

"Excuse me, but do you know where all the patients are?" I ask a nurse. She frowns a bit and motions for me to follow her. Is it something bad? We stop at a room that I've never seen before. It's made of complete glass so you can see right through it. There is a whole crowd in front so I can barely see.

"What's going on?" I ask a patient. The man turns his head and realizes that I'm an employee, moving out of my way. I walk closer and closer until I see what's really going on.

They are whipping Niall. Oh my god.

"Niall!" I scream, pushing people out of the way, trying to get to the door. The door opens and I rush in. They are still whipping him.

"Stop! Stop it!" There is so much blood and I can barely look at it all. However, the men do anything but stop. What am I supposed to do? Each lash is hurting Niall more and more. I don't particularly like him but this is unacceptable! It's inhumane! I didn't even know we did this kind of torture here.

I make a bold decision and jump in between the whippers and Niall. For a split second I feel a little sting, which then turns into searing pain. My eyes glance over at my arm and I see that there is a long red gash on it. They whipped me.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" One of the man shouts. For a minute I am in too much pain and shock to speak, but I find the voice to.

"Stop! Stop this! Why are you whipping him?" I shout back. The whip mark on my arm is burning and causing immense pain, but it's nothing compared to Niall's.

"It's none of your business. Now get out." However, I stand my ground.

"Well as his doctor, I should have the right to know why you are whipping my patient," I lie. There's no way these men are going to tell me anything unless I have some sort of relation towards Niall. The short man sighs and whispers something towards the other one.

"Alright, alright. Mr. Horan here was breaking rules and provoking other patients. He came out during lunch time and started yelling nonsense and got very angry. The other patients got intimated and scared but he wouldn't stop. That is what your patient did," the dark haired man explains. Provoking patients earns a beating? No, no there's no way. I've seen tons of patients provoke other patients and none of them have ever gotten whipped. Niall must have done something else. But I decide to let it go because I need to focus on something bigger.

"I'm sorry my patient caused so much disturbance, I will have a talk with him. But as of right now he needs to come with me to the nurse. You idiots have done enough." Sticking my middle finger at them, I grab Niall's arm and try my best to hoist him up. It's not very easy considering he's probably made of all muscle.

"Lux.." He slurs. I try my best to make my way through the crowd of people. Everyone seems so shocked at everything that just happened. What is there to be shocked about? I "saved" a patient, that's all. Am I not allowed to?

Eventually, we end up at the nurse's room and I haul Niall in.

"Sammy, I need your help." She nods quickly, first helping me get Niall on the table and then getting all the supplies.

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