You Never Really Forget

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<Chihiro pov>

"Cen, Cen."
I hear my name over and over again. Her voice is warm and fuzzy making me feel good inside. Almost taking away all the pain from my head. It aches like I hit it on something hard, which could most likely be true. I don't remember hitting it though. I don't remember anything.

I keep hearing that name again. Over and over, begging me to wake up. But I don't have the energy to open my eyes, or move. But somehow, I know I have to. I know I have to see where I am.

As my eyes slowly open, I see the woman with the fuzzy warm voice. I don't have a second to see where I am before I'm attacked with a hug by her. I freeze, barely able to breathe as she squeezes me.
"Ugh Cen why'd you leave us I missed you!"
She pulls away and smiles a big smile at me.
"How have you been?"

I don't answer. I don't know what she's talking about at all. I look around. I've never been here. What is this place.

The woman is still looking at me. Expecting an answer. I swallow,
"Where, where am I?"

Her smile starts to fade and her posture sinks down in disappointment.
"What? Don't, don't you remember me?", she says.
I shake my head, confused. I must have been important to her. I feel so awful. I'm sure she was a great friend to me. But, when was I here? Why can I remember nothing?!

"She doesn't remember", a boy I didn't notice before says. I can't help but stare. His features are sharp and handsome. He looks about my age. Maybe a year older. I can't look away. I want his hand in mine. I want to at least touch him. But I refrain.
His eyes meet mine and I quickly turn away and look down at my hands.

The woman looks annoyed and mad. "But why? She has to remember us she has to.."
"She doesn't!", he cuts her off firmly, which makes her jump and pull back.
He sighs in frustration. "Everyone go to sleep. Lights out in 20."
Everyone crowded around leaves, the boy looks down at the ground, his face expressionless. No muscle in his body moves. Neither does mine. I stare at the blue in his eyes. Rushing and moving like waves in the ocean. A calm sea. But not a quiet one.

Time is frozen. No timer could count how long we both stand still, in this picture perfect moment.
"Come on", he says, standing up. "I'll show you where you'll be sleeping Chihiro."
"How do you know my name's Chihiro?"
"I've known you since you were very little." He smiles sadly while he says it. Like a distant distant memory. One you can never get back.

He holds his hand out to help me up. It scares me, not knowing where he will take me in this strange place. But it excites me that I will get to feel his hands. Run my palm over every crease and nook.

I eventually take it and he helps me up. He leads me out the room into hallway after hallway, never letting go of my hand, and me never letting go of his.
Once we reach my room he turns to speak to me, but I interrupt him.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I don't remember this place, or that really nice woman, or or you. I know I'm supposed to. I know I have some kind of importance here, but no matter how hard I try, I-I just can't. I can't remember anything."
My head hangs low in shame. I've taken my hand out of his because it doesn't deserve to be there.

I can feel him staring at me, I don't dare look at his face though. I shut my eyes, waiting for him to scoff, or walk away. I wait for him to make me feel worse about all this.
But instead he reaches for both my hands, grabs them, and holds them up, level with both of our chests.
"Don't fret over that. You're right. You were someone important to, to all of us. You changed us. But I believe that you will remember. If you give it time, things around here might trigger your memory.  Just be patient Chihiro. Get some rest now. If you need me I'll be three hallways down to the left."
And with that, he gently let's go and walks away.

I remember this feeling in my heart. I knew I would never forget it.

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