Let Go

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It's hard to sleep when you're angry. I spent a majority of the night tossing and turning, trying to figure out how I was supposed to avoid Haku all day.
When I see the light coming in through the curtains, I sit up relieved to not have to try and sleep anymore.

I look at the desk to the side of my bed and see my uniform. Lin must have put it in my room last night.  I forgot I was working today. That should distract me plenty. I put on the shirt and pants and tie the white string around to fit me. It's nice and snug.

When I open the door, Haku is walking towards the room, probably coming to greet me for breakfast.
"How did you sleep?", he asks.
I ignore him and turn to walk the other direction. Surprised be runs after me and walks by my side.
"Why are you wearing a uniform?", he asks.
"I'm going to work today."
"But Chihiro you don't have a contract with me", he says like I'm stupid.
"I know", I snap back. "I just want to work today." I keep walking not even glancing at him. He stops in his tracks when I turn the  corner but eventually runs to catch up with me again. 

"Well aren't you going to eat?", he says.
"I'm eating with Lin and the other workers now just leave me alone", I practically yell. He stops for good this time and I run out of the apartment into the elevator.

Breakfast doesn't last long because we have to get to work cleaning. I made money at home cleaning the neighbors mansion. She would only trust me and paid me well for my good job. It pays off here. I'm working so hard I'm sweating because this is the neighbors mansion times ten.
"You know last time you were here you could barely hold a washcloth", Lin tells me. I laugh at that.

We continue to work until sunset, and that's when they call a break for dinner before the guests come. I follow Lin and everyone else to the kitchen, when someone grabs my arm and pulls me to the side.
I turn and see it's Haku. He looks exhausted with a face that reads both angry and concerned.
"Let me go", I whisper. Not wanting to cause a scene. I try to wriggle out of his grip but it's too strong and starts to burn my skin.
"What's going on Chihiro. I'm not stupid."
"No you're not. It's me that's stupid."
"I heard you're little conversion with Lin last night. I know you think I'm this pathetic and weak little girl. But I'm not. I know for a fact that I'm the same Chihiro who came here years ago, and was the same brave girl. I'm not sorry that I'm not your picture perfect version of what Chihiro should be. I'm me. And that's who you're stuck with."
He doesn't say a word, just stares at me in awe. He wasn't expecting me to say that. I was hoping my response would shock him to the point where he would let go of me, but his grip only tightens.

"Let me go Haku", I say, malice the only thing leaving my mouth.
"Let me go!", I say and step as hard as I can onto his foot.
"Ow", he cries. And I take off running, and I don't look back.

One Summer's DayWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt