Chapter 1

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Nicole's POV

Shhhhh.... as I heard the rain drops falling down to the ground, I was packing. I had finally got to move into my dream house as I wanted, I was very excited as I get to open the door, and the call that house mine.

I grabbed all my boxes into my car, I was soaking wet from the rain, I had opened my car door, and closed it. I had clicked my button on the side of the car to turn it on. As I turned on the radio the song 'into you' came on. My favorite song, I had sing the whole song while driving to MY new house.

As the 15 minute ride had passed I was finally here, the rain had stopped a little, it was just now sprinkling instead, I grabbed my jacket from the backseat, and had put it on. I opened my car door, and closed it. I grabbed my boxes, and opened the door.

As I put the boxes on the table, in the dining room, I took a deep breath and smiled.

This is my house now..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2016 ⏰

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