Chapter 4

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Once they got back to their world, the girls cheered as Rainbow Dash said "Yeah! We fixed another story!" "But it's not over yet, Rainbow Dash." Twilight Sparkle said. "After all, we have two more stories to fix." "Then, let's get to it." Sunset Shimmer said. She turned to the ending of Peter Pan, and she, and her friends screamed as they got sucked into the book, and started flying. When they reach the end of the portal, they landed on the dock near Skull Rock that looked a lot scarier than the one from the movie. The sky was dark, and there was a small amout of fog surrounding the area. Fluttershy shuddered in fear, and said "I'll bet the only thing scarier than that big skull is the big guy it used to belong to." "Peter Pan's gotta be in that Skull Rock place." Sunset Shimmer said. "Let's go." They walked down the dock, got in a boat, and rowed to the inside of Skull Rock. They reached the dock inside of Skull Rock, and got out of the boat. They looked up at the top of the Jolly Roger to see an elderly version of Peter Pan fighting against Captain Hook who said "So much for never growing up, eh Peter?" "Oh, no! Peter's become an old man!" Rainbow Dash said in horror. "He'll be creamed if Captain Hook wins!" Applejack said. As the two fought, Captain Hook said "Peter, you bore me. What say you to this? We just call this a win for me, and you can settle in early this evening, and retire...FOREVER!" "Retire?!" The elderly Peter Pan asked. "Never! Not while I can still hold this blade steady enough to run you through!"

Pinkie Pie smiled, and said "Well! At least he's got his spirit!" "We'll be SEEING his spirit if we don't help him!" Sunset Shimmer said. Suddenly, Captain Hook flipped the elderly Peter Pan's sword out of his hand, and it landed near Pinkie Pie. "Oh no!" Twilight Sparkle said. Pinkie Pie grew worried, and looked up at the elderly Peter Pan who looked down at her, and said "Go on. Pick it up, and use it to run this old codfish through that gizzard." Pinkie Pie nodded, and looked at Captain Hook as "Hey! Captain Codfish!" Captain Hook looked down at Pinkie Pie, and said "What's this?!" He threw a dagger at the elderly Peter Pan, and it pinned his sleeve onto the crow's nest. Captain Hook threw a black glove down to Pinkie Pie, and said "If you got a taste for cold steel, then get up here, scurvy swab!" Pinkie Pie put the glove on her right hand, and picked the sword up as she said "Bring it on, you big meanie!" She went up to where Captain Hook was, and she stood in front of him as he said "A friend of Peter's is no friend of mine!" "And you are no friend of mine!" Pinkie Pie said as she began fighting with Captain Hook. Down below, Applejack saw a bunch of pirates heading their way, and said "Uh, don't look now, ya'll, but we got a major problem." They looked behind them to see she was right. They quickly grabbed swords, and started fighting with the pirates.

It was a tough fight, but they were able to defeat the pirates, and Pinkie Pie drove Captain Hook over the edge. The pirate captain tried to hold on with his hook, but he fell as Pinkie Pie said "Hey, Hook! Say hi to Tick-Tock for me!" Captain Hook screamed as he fell into the water, and Tick-Tock who was waiting down below began chasing him. Peter Pan then regained his youth, and said "Thanks, Pinkie Pie! You really saved my life!" "Aw, shucks!" Pinkie Pie said bashfully. "You would've done the same for me." Tinker Bell suddenly flew in and sprinkled some pixie dust on Sunset Shimmer, and her friends. "Come on, girls! Let's get out of here." "Bye, girls! And thanks for the help!" Peter Pan said. "Bye, Peter!" The girls said at the same time as they flew back to the portal that took them back into their own world. Once they made it back, Rarity looked at Pinkie Pie, and said "You were magnificent, darling!" "Thanks, Rarity!" Pinkie Pie said. "Well, girls, it all comes down to one last story to fix." Sunset Shimmer said. "Let's do this!" "Yeah!" Her friends said at the same time. Sunset Shimmer then opened the book, and she, and her friends screamed as they got sucked into the book.

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