Chapter 5

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The girls landed in the dark forest, and looked around. The trees had scary faces on them, and they looked like they were gonna catch them. "I don't like the looks of this." Fluttershy said. "Neither do Ah, sugarcube." Applejack said. "This place gives me the creeps." Rainbow Dash looked around, and said "Hey, where's Sunset Shimmer?!" "I'm over here!" A voice said. They looked over to see Sunset Shimmer stuck in a thorn bush. They ran up to her as she said "Can you girls help me get out of this thorny situation?" Pinkie Pie giggled a little while Rainbow Dash muttered "Oi. Puns." "You're not funny, darling." Rarity said. "Whatever." Sunset Shimmer said as her friends began pulling at the thorn branches. It took awhlie, but they were able to free her from the thorn bush. Sunset Shimmer brushed the thorns off of her, and said "Great job. You not only freed me, but you also cleared the path to that" They looked at the big red apple at the end of the path they were on as Rarity said "Looks like the Evil Queen has been doing some redecorating recently." They walked down the path while ignoring the scary trees, and they reached the end as Applejack looked at the big apple, and said "You know, Ah always wanted to visit the big apple, but I just imagined it being under better circumstances." "Same here, darling." Rarity said.

They opened the door to the small castle, and they stepped inside as they heard a voice that said "Come my dearie. Just take a bite of this apple. One bite, and then, I'll release your seven little friends from my dungeon." "Quick, girls!" Sunset Shimmer said. "We have to save Snow White before it's too late!" They ran up the stairs, but then, they hid behind some barrels as Snow White took a bite of the poisoned apple, fell onto a small bed, and fell into a deep sleep. "Oh, no!" Rainbow Dash whispered out. "We're too late!" "That's the queen?" Twilight Sparkle whispered out looking at the old hag in black clothing in front of them. "Ah, poor Snow White." The old hag said. "In my version of the story, there is no prince to save you. And soon, the seven dwarves will be joining you in eternal slumber!" She cackled sinisterly as Fluttershy whispered out "Oh my. Talk about an unhappy ending." The old hag then flipped an hourglass, picked up a green apple out of the bag, and went down to the dungeon as she said "When the last grain of sand falls through this hourglass, my next poisoned apple will be ready."

Once the old hag was out of sight, the girls came out of their hiding place as Sunset Shimmer said "That's the Evil Queen alright." "Anyway, since what she said is true, that dosesn't give us much time before she comes back." Rainbow Dash said. "Well, there's gotta be something in here to help us fix this mess." Applejack said. Twilight Sparkle spotted a spellbook nearby, and said "I got it! We could use this spellbook." "Great idea, Twilight." Sunset Shimmer said. "According to this page, this is how to create a Blast Of Wind." Twilight Sparkle flipped the page, and said "And this is how to create a Thunderbolt." She flipped the page, and Applejack said "This is how to create Sleeping Death. We should steer clear of it since it's bad news." "But, it might come in handy." Sunset Shimmer said. Twilight Sparkle then flipped the page, and Rarity smiled, and said "Here we are! To create someone's true love!" "Ok, I'll read the list of ingredients, and you guys can put them into the cauldron." Twilight Sparkle said. "Ok." Sunset Shimmer said. "Ok. To make a Blast Of Wind, you need Scream Of Fright, Magnesium Sulfate, Moon Star, Mummy Dust, Sting Of Scorpion, and Bacchus Elixir." Rainbow Dash picked up a bottle of Scream Of Fright, and said "Uh, why is it called Scream Of Fright?" She poured the liquid into the cauldron, and a puff of white smoke flew up in the air, and screamed. They stared in awe, and Applejack said "Well, that answers your question, Rainbow Dash." Rarity found the Magnesium Sulfate, and poured it into the cauldron.

Pinkie Pie found the Moon Star, and poured it into the cauldron. Sunset Shimmer then found the Mummy Dust, and poured into the cauldron. Some of the dust got into her nose, and she sneezed. She recovered as she said "I guess that's why it's called Mummy Dust." Fluttershy then found the Sting Of Scorpion, and poured it into the cauldron. Rarity then found the Bacchus Elixir, and poured it into the cauldron. "Now, to spark a fire." Sunset Shimmer said as she used a match she found on the desk to spark a fire. They were blown off when a gust of wind flew from the cauldron, and into a green bottle. "Great!" Twilight Sparkle said as she flipped the page. "Now, to make a Thunderbolt, you need Sun Star, Dark Of Night, Cactus Juice, Just Plain Bad Stuff, Blast Of Wind, and Carnation Petals." The girls gathered the ingredients, and poured them into the cauldron. Sunset Shimmer then took another match, and sparked a fire. They ducked when the Thunderbolt went from the cauldron, and into the purple bottle. "Two down, and two to go." Rainbow Dash said. "What's next, Twilight?" Twilight Sparkle flipped the page, and said "To make the Sleeping Death, you need Morpheus Greed, Sting Of Scorpion, Dark Of Night, Cactus Juice, Thunderbolt, and a green apple." They gathered the ingredients, and poured them into the cauldron. But, before Sunset Shimmer could spark a fire, the dungeon door was opening as Rainbow Dash said "Uh-oh! The Evil Queen's coming!" The girls hid behind the barrels as the Evil Queen entered the room. She drank a potion, and she turned into an old hag. She cackled, picked up an another apple, flipped the hourglass, and walked back into the dungeon as she said "Time to put one of the seven dwarfs to sleep."

Once the old hag was out of sight, the girls hid from their hiding place as Rainbow Dash said "That was close." "Yeah, but now Snow White, and one of the seven dwarves are now in eternal slumber!" Twilight Sparkle said. "Don't worry." Sunset Shimmer said. "Once we make the Sleeping Death, we'll make the True Love potion, and save the story." She sparked the fire, and the apples turned from green to red. "Okay, girls. This is the last one." Twilight Sparkle said as she flipped the page. "To make someone's true love, you need Rose Petals, Sun Star, Blast Of Wind, Thundetbolt, Eros Elixir, and a red apple." The girls gathered the ingredients, and poured them into the cauldron. Sunset Shimmer then sparked the fire, and Snow White's prince showed up out of the blue. "It worked!" Rarity said. "Oh my." Fluttershy said blushing. "That prince reminds me of Butterscotch." "So, Butterscotch is your prince." Sunset Shimmer said. "Yes." Fluttershy said. The prince then kissed Snow White, waking her up, and while the Evil Queen was away, they freed the dwarfs. Fluttershy woke up the sleeping Dopey with a kiss. They then left the castle. "Bye, girls!" Snow White said. "And thank you!" "Bye girls!" The Dwarves said. "Farewell!" Snow White's prince said. "Bye, you guys!" The girls said as they jumped in the portal, and went back to their world.

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