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Brendon🐼: i just accidentally knocked on some stoner's door fuck

Dallon🐻: lmao

Brendon🐼: he knows what's good man

Brendon🐼: jealous of what he has tbh


Brendon🐼: ok chill fag

Dallon🐻: asshole

Brendon🐼: sorry bby

Brendon🐼: this guy is trying to buy my doggies what do 

Dallon🐻: murder him

Brendon🐼: ok

Brendon🐼: what's your apartment number again?

Dallon🐻: for christ's sake

Dallon🐻: 18

Brendon🐼: okay i'm outside

Brendon🐼: open the door

Brendon🐼: dallon

Brendon🐼: daddy

Brendon🐼: where u at

Brendon🐼: my doggies are impatient let me in

Brendon🐼: i'm also impatient

Brendon🐼: i wanna see ur cute lil face

Brendon🐼: i wanna kiss ur cute lil face too

Brendon🐼: dallon i'm getting worried

Brendon🐼: dallyyyyyyy

Brendon🐼: i'm coming in u better not be naked

Brendon🐼: actually be naked pls

Brendon put down his dogs and held the leashes with a firm grasp. Using his other hand, he checked to see if the door was unlocked, and it was.

"Hello?" He called as he opened the door.

"Br- Brendon?" He heard a struggled voice call.

"Dallon?? Where are you?" He called and shut the door and let go of the leashes.

"Bathroom.. help.." Brendon panicked and searched for the room. Knowing how bad Dallon's depression was made Brendon worry even more.

He finally found the bathroom and opened the door quickly.

"Why the fuck are you under a shelf?"

"Cause I'm tall and walked into it and it fell on me please help."

Brendon laughed and nodded, lifting the shelf off of Dallon and helped the taller boy up.

"Holy shit you're tall." Brendon said with a giggle and hugged him.

"You're so tiny what the heck." Dallon laughed and hugged him back, picking him up slightly which cause Brendon to giggle and scoot up.

"Dally pick me up more." He said and Dallon laughed and nodded, doing so.

"Anddddd we're acting like a couple." Dallon laughed as he held Brendon up by his ass and the older boy wrapped his legs around the taller boy's waist.

"Cause we are."


sorry i haven't updated in forever

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