My Last day

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      Part 1

      *Friday Morning*

      Lexis POV

Today I woke up just like I do every morning. I toke a shower, made my hair look nice, the normal routine. It wasn't until I stepped into the living room that I actually realized what today was. It was the last day of school before our Christmas Break but it was also the last day I would be going to Graham High school. That's when my back pocket started singing "Oaths" By Cher Lloyd. I answered it as slowly as possible, trying to avoid the conversation I was about to have.

"Hello?" I answered, softly.

"Good morning beautiful! Hurry and get to school! I have to spend as much time as I can with you!" Said one of my closest friends, Skylar. I laughed a sad laugh.

"Don't worry. Ill be there soon."

            Joes POV

"Hurry up and get in the truck so you aren't late!" yelled my father, with his big, booming voice.

"Coming" I yelled. I admit, in my life I have made many mistakes, and the one I regret the most was cheating on the best girl I have ever met. Lexi was my best friend, and I lost her. Ever since we broke up the first day of school, I have been thinking of ways to get her back. But nothing ever seems to go right. I try talking to her, and her friends all give me the "Go to Hell" look and tell me to keep walking. They even blocked me on her phone whenever I called to apologize. I guess it's best for her, but I miss her so much, I can't stand it anymore.

So today, I got her a Christmas gift. It's not the best but im sure it will get me some points.

    *7:30 a.m.*

     Lexis POV

Arriving at the school for the last time may not seem like a big deal, but to me, it really was. And it was even worse when all of my closest friends came running at me, crying.

"Why do you have to leave?"

"You can always live with me!"

"We can hide you in our attic!"

"Just don't leave!"

With all of my friends repeating these things, it took a lot not to burst out in tears, and that's something I NEVER do. I am a strong tomboy/ country girl and it takes a lot to make me cry. We slowly made our way inside to the commons area to where there was even more people saying goodbye, people who have hated me since before I could remember. Every one was acting like we were best friends, which really confused me.

That"s around the time when he walked in. Joe and me have had a off and on relationship since 6th grade, which kind of is a while since we are now freshman in high school. And when we recently dated, I was convinced we would last a long time because we had finally started to mature on the same level, but that all shattered when he cheated on me during the summer with some girl from church camp. I was still, 4 months later, getting over his stupid, cowboy, ass. And I was actually, slowly, starting to thanks to my friends. But when he walked up to me, when I was at my weakest moment, and gave me that stupid, cute, smile of his, I almost gave in.

" Hey. I saw this and thought of you. Merry Christmas" He said softly.

"Oh, Thanks." I said, kind of hesitant.

That's when he handed me a horseshoe necklace that had my name engraved inside of it.

"Why? I mean we aren't together anymore. Don't you have some other girl that you can give this to?" I said.

"No. Just you!" He said and then he winked.

" I was thinking, we could give us another go. For old times sake?"

That's when I realized it. He didn't know that today was my last day. I doubt he even knew I was moving. How would he? We never talk and I don't announce my business to the whole Freshman Class.

Joes POV

"YOUÕRE WHAT?" I yelled, not caring how loud I was.

"Im sorry you're just figuring this out. I didn't think you cared." She said, softly.

After this, I just walked away from her, leaving her alone. I couldn't deal with this right now! I needed to get away, NOW! So I just kept walking, not knowing exactly what part of the school I was in at the moment. That's when I saw my closets friend walking toward me with a concerned expression.

"Dude, what happened back there? All I saw was you yelling at Lexi then storming away. What happened to you trying to get back together with her? That didn't look like patching things up to me." He said.

That's when I started explaining what actually happened and I realized what a ass I made out of my self, and that's when I started to feel terrible and hating myself. I probably made Lexi embarrassed and feel bad about her self, which is not what I wanted to do at all! But probably did!

"Look, I know this probably sucks, but you need to get yourself together and figure out what you're going to do! Either ask her about long distance relationship, if you think you could actually do that, or start getting over it. But before any of that, you need to go apologize for being a total dick to her in front of everyone!" David said seriously.

This is why we're best friends! He tells me the truth no matter how tough it is. I started to walk back to the commons to apologize when the first period bell rang. Damn, how am I supposed to talk to her now? I don't know any of her classes and the only time I see her is in the lunch room, and since its early release, we don't eat lunch at the high school. Shit!

Lexis POV

Why did he freak out so much. Once he stormed off, everyone stared at me then some girls walked up and asked me what I had done, and nice job. I felt my face turning red from embarrassment, and tears forming in my eyes, thanks to this day already being tough on me. That's when I felt one of my best friends, Seaira, put her arm around me and lead me out of the crowd of people.

"It's ok! I got you." She said while leading me into the bathroom.

Once we were in she looked at the stalls to make sure we were alone, then stood in front of the door so no one could get in unless she let them.

"Just let it out." She said.

"I don't know what I did. I just told him that today was my last day and he freaked out! Why would he do that? Give me a present I mean? He knows, just like everyone, that I still have major feelings for him, and yet he continues to kill me!" I said in between swiping my tears.

" He's just a big ass hole! Okay? Don't worry about him, once you leave, you'll forget completely about him when you see all those new hot guys who want a piece of the new shiny toy, you." She said smiling at the last part.

I know she was probably right, that's how all guys acted to new girls, but the thought of that didn't satisfy me at all. I would rather no one notice me so I could do my own thing and not have drama or anything. Little did I know how hard that would be.

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