The Big Question

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Okay, so! I felt that I didn't give u much on the last chapter...SO! I'm hoping this one will be longer :) if not, I will re-write it. (I HATE writing 2 page chapters. I'm sorry. It's a pet peeve) Anyways! Hope its 3 pages! :D Enjoy :P


They took Avery to the back. Nervous, I paced the floor, back and forth, back and fourth while bitting on my finger nails. My mom, who arrived shortly after Avery and I did, scorned at me to stop, but how could I? The love of my life is back there, probably getting operated on!

She could be dead!

"Your over exagerating, Justin." Mom said. "She didn't look that bad."

"You didn't see her.." I said. "Like I did." I still haven't told my mom everything the creep did to her. Mom rolled her eyes at me, and looked around the room. The silence was killing me, and I couldn't take another second of not knowing how Avery's doing.

"Excuse me, Nurse?" I asked, walking up to the front desk for the millionth time since I've been here. "Can you tell me how Avery Coleman is doing?" The nurse rolled her eyes at me, and rolled backwards in her chair. She whispered something into the ear of another nurse, and then rolled back forward.

"I don't know exactly." she answered. "But the doctor said if you wait for a little, you may go see her." I nodded my head, and walked back to my seats, alittle pissy. She told me that load of crap an hour ago.

Bored, I pulled out my phone, and pulled up Twitter. Millions of tweets about me were up: @justinbieber hope Avery's feeling better! #GetWellSoonAvery!

'Wonder how they knew Avery was in the hospital...'


I don't know how I got into this positon. I don't even know where I am in general. I can hear sirens in the back, but it's pitch black infront of me. I see no window, or any flashing lights. 'Whats with the noises?' I thought, and my thoughts echoed. My eyes grew wide, and I jumped at the feeling of someone's ice cold hands running across my lower back.

"Hello?" I called into the blakness. No response. The feeling of the hand ran across my upper shoulders this time. I screamed, but a hand clamped over my mouth. I felt cold tears begin to fall down my cheeks.

A light flickered on. One single light, that dangled from the dark ceiling. It hovered over a chair, illuminating it's light onto a person, who was sitting in the chair. He was bent over, his face turned towards the floor, his shoulder sagging forward.

The hand was removed from my mouth, and it travled down my neck, onto my shoulders, down my arm, leading down to my thy, lower and lower....

"S-Stop!" I screamed, jumping away from whoever had me in his arms. I looked at the boy sitting in the chair, and slowly made my way towards him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Avery.." an eery voice rang in my ears. I shivered, but continued to inch closer, and closer to the boy. When I made it to where he was sitting, I pushed his head back, and gasped, staggering backwards, back into the darkness of the strange room.

In the chair, sat a bloody, cut-up face of Justin. He groaned, and his face fell forward again, drops of blood dripping down his face, and landing onto the floor. The sound of his blood drops hit the floor with a loud 'splat'. I turned my back towards him, tears clouding my vision. Another light flickered on, and Blake stood infront of me.

"I told you not to look..." he said, holding in his hands, a bloody knife. His shirt, hands, and face were patched with blood.

And it wasn't his...

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