Chapter 12-I love you

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Ashley's P.O.V.

EJ and I are under the table waiting for Slender man. Jane and Jeff have been fighting all this time. I'm pretty sure I have a cut on my back and is beeding right now but who cares it's not like it hurts (note the sarcasm!). 

"Ashley, are you aright? You seem to be in quite a bit of pain," EJ asked me . I looked at him right before I blacked out.

EJ"s P.O.V.

I saw Ashley faint right before my eyes ( I knew this would hurt but she needed help. 

I stood up and yelled," Ashley just fainted!" 

I saw knife go straight into my shoulder.

Damn it! I thought right before I blacked out.

Jeff's P.O.V

I saw my knife go into EJ's shoulder. Oh come on I don't want EJ's blood on it! I want Jane"s!

"Ashley just fainted!" he said before he himself blacked out.

What! She fainted! I ran to where they were sitting to find a passed out EJ and Ashley on the floor surrounded by blood. Hopefuly this  is EJ's blood.

Jane and I went in side and Iput her onn the couch after pushing BEN off.

"What the heck man?!?!" he exclaimed as he go up from the floor.

"Ashley just fainted and the only person who can fix her is EJ and he blacked out to," I said quickly as I paniced.

"Here let me handle EJ just put her on the couch and wait," BEN said as he went outside where we left him.

BEN's P.O.V.

As I went outside for EJ I grabed ice clod water. This better work. I stoped playing video games! 

I went to him and dumped all the water on him.

"Ahhh!" he screamed  as he woked up.

"Go fix Ashley," I said to him not caring if I gave him a cold.

"Fine but don't dump water on me again"  he said COLDLY.

He got up and ran to the house.

EJ's P.O.V

I ran to the house to go help Ashley. As I got to the house I saw a boy. How did he find our house?!?!?!

Jeff's P.O.V

EJ finally got in. He pushed us out as he strated  to heal Ashley. I paced and paced around the room. I ignored the knives flying past me.

Viiolet's P.O.V

I woke up and saw EJ looking very worried.

"Hey what's wrong?"  I asked him. He looked up over joyed. 

"Ashley! How are you feeling?" he asked me very concerred.

"I feel alittle light-headed but other than that I feel fine," I said to him.

"Okay that's good!" he said to me happily.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip to Night by Flying Mint Bunny~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Jeff has been freaking over me since my problem in the morning.

"Jeff," I'm going to take alttle walk in the wods for fresh air," I said to him hoping he wouldn't try coming with me.

"Do you want me to come with you?" asked me. 

"No," I said to himas I got up.

"Okay, be safe," he said as he watched me leave the livingroom.

I walked outside feeling the gentle wing sooth me. I walked toward the meadw where we had our first kiss. As I walked there I saw someone I would never think would be there.

Brandon. My eyes hitched as I saw the familiar brown long hair. His blond tips seemed to be duller than how I remebered. He wore black jeans wit a red and black plaid shirt. In short he has always been a hit with the gitls at school.

"Ashley?" he said in shock.

"Brandon," I replied with the same shock emotion. He ran toward me hugging me. He then said something that made me feel sick.

"Ashley, I love you."

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