Our homes are made out of love from people
Who create and decorate
Out an in
We walk upstairs then downstairs, tiring isn't?
Take are break on your couch and just relax with the house
You'll be fine drinking a beer with friends and watching TV at the end
Have a laugh
Just have fun then sleep..
Two cats laying down on your bed, purring
With your partner next to you
Get enough sleep for the next morning
And get ready for work
Your home is alone now
In the dark, while you're still at work
Busy busy busy
Arn't you?
Haha, don't worry you'll be back at home safe and sound
Cooking a roast for everyone
And eating with them among
Keep doing your best, you are still young and living
Pay for your bills and keep doing work, earning more money
Every month!
The cracks in the ceiling start showing more
Every little day
Becoming older with the house
Your child growing up
Is much much more fast
And thinking to yourself sitting down on a rocking chair
Knitting with one of the cats on your lap
Licking it's coat
Staring into thin air
And everything goes silent..
Heart beat stops, and drops the two sticks
Bricks fall crashing
Needs to get repaired
Starts to rain heavily
While the clouds get darker
Please bring the light
Are shine
A mark left behind
Flowers die, all plants and trees surrounding the home
The ground shaking and crumbling..
Rest in peace. Home
One day
It slowly gets replaced
Starting to show a light through the sky
Rebuilding the house again
Bringing happiness
Now for sale
It will be chose by the one