04 : drop

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Viktor's name was a song. Death metal on their lips, and a romantic love song on Devon's. Every syllable warping into a love story with a tragic ending.

"Like Romeo and Juliet, honestly what utter bullshit."

"That is quite the critical analysis Inez."

"Frankly Mr Dunham, Shakespeare was probably drunk when he wrote this, or maybe high, did they smoke pot in the 1500's ?"

Yuri crashed onto the floor at the thought, mimicking, "passeth me the cannabis broth'r", while at the back everyone sniggered, it was remotely funny. Mr Dunham called out for the class to calm down, well everyone besides Devon, her eyes glued out of the window but never paying one bit of attention to what happened in the class, no one bothered her, she didn't care.

She could feel an eye creeping at the back of her head and she knew it was from the very left corner and when she turned to look at him, he quickly averted his gaze to the front as if listening to Mr Dunham and Inez's bicker all along.

Ray Singh was very strange, to Devon he looked just as sleep deprived as anyone on heavy caffeine but to others he probably seemed like a hot mess.
He barely talked to anyone, not that it mattered but Devon had never thought of him until now. Until this very moment that he had stared at her. What she hadn't expected was to not see sympathy in his eyes. She had been quick to notice that trait lately but she couldn't find it in his eyes, the 'I'm sorry for your loss Devon, see you at the memorial?' look.

Instead his face scrunched up. His eyes were red. Had he been drinking? It was only one emotion that he flashed which was a complete giveaway. Hatred.

He could've killed her with his looks, at that very moment, quite literally, but she wasn't afraid of death. Not  as long as she was with Viktor after she died.


He drank again that night, red wine dripping down his lips, melancholy cloaking his lanky frame from the cold wind that ruffled his curly mane. He looked like a grunge rock star and for the first time Viktor's name to him wasn't a love song anymore.


27th December, 2014             12:13 am

straight boys fuck you over. They always do.


[A/N ] : Do i need to say anything anymore?

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2018 ⏰

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