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            “I love you.” I say. Liam and I have been dating for two months now. He has showed only affection towards me when we are alone in my room or when my parents aren’t home. He kisses my nose as almost like a reply but he doesn’t say the words I want to hear. “Liam?” He nods his head and looks me in the eye. “When am I going to go to your house?” He looks towards the ceiling and looks back at me. “Soon Mackenzie Soon. Just be patient. “ I understand why he doesn’t want me there so I don’t know why I keep asking. He is a junior and I am a freshman. I had always had a crush on Liam but I never thought in a million years he would like me.


            I was walking in the hallways on a normal Tuesday. It just so happened that I was a little late to class so the hallway was pretty empty except for the one kid that just shows up. Soon I was walking through the upperclassmen hallway I saw Liam walking towards me. I tried to put my book in front of face because my biology class was two doors down. I realized that he saw me and soon I was up against the locker, “Hey freshmen.” He said to me. “Um..heelloo.” He chuckled a little bit at my reaction. “I have seen you around and I wanna hang out with you on Friday. Meet you at your bedroom around 7.” After, that all I did was smile all day. We have been inseparable every since except when I see him in school or outside of school.

Chapter one

            Honestly, I really do love him but he never answers me when I say it so I am thinking about giving up. I really don’t want to but I might. He is going to college soon and a long distance relationship with a sophomore won’t work out. I decided that after this I would call up a couple of my friends to come over and tell them. Liam and I in the beginning made a deal that I wouldn’t tell anybody to keep dating him but they can keep a secret. I really want us to stay together but he is going to junior prom soon and I am pretty sure that he is not going to go with me. Soon, he was talking on the phone with his mother and was crawling out my window in a matter of minutes. He kissed me goodnight and told me he would call me later. After, that I decided to call my friends.

An Hour Later

            I called up my best friends. They were all really nervous about what I had called them about because I was basically crying. I mean I love Liam. Sooo much. And, it hurts that I would have to break it off over something that maybe could take a little more time. They showed up about 2 minutes after I told them to come. I had Sydney, Emily and Anjelica come because the others couldn’t. “Baby what’s the problem?” Anjelica screamed when she walked through the door. “You are going to have to sit down for this.” They all gasped and then sat down on my living room couch. “So, as you all know I have had a boyfriend for awhile but never told you guys. Well, it has been two months and I have said I love you but he hasn’t.” I explained to them. “Well, we understand that.” Emily said. “Um..it’s………..Liam. Liam Payne. He is my boyfriend.” I said really slowly. “Oh my god. The junior! Mackenzie how could you do this everyone that is absolutely stupid to date someone that old.” Well, thanks Sydney for finally speaking your mind.  “You know how much I have liked him! Since 7th grade! Why can’t you guys just be happy for me? Every time you guys got a boyfriend I never said anything mean once, so why can’t you guys just return the favor?” I stated. They both looked so shocked so I decided to add why I called them. “Anyway I was going to call you guys because I am thinking about breaking up with him anyway. Now, that I think about it both of you can leave. I don’t need your advice.” I stood up to walk them out of my door. They left without saying another word.

            The whole rest of the day was spent crying into my pillow. I wanted Liam and I to be a normal couple at school. Not a couple that acts completely perfect alone and don’t even make eye contact in the hallway. I also wish that my friends would actually be happy for me for once instead of every time being upset. It is horrible that they do that to me. I don’t even understand why I am still friends with them. Even though they do that to me I still love them and even with other things they are always there for me. So, my whole evening was spent crying until my tear ducts were dry. I never called Liam to break up with him. After thinking about it for a while I decided against it because I love him and no matter how much he doesn’t want to admit it I think he feels the same way about me. I also thought that on Monday I could confront him about how much I wanted to discuss our relationship. I hope everything goes well.

            It was Sunday. A boring, homework filled Sunday. I was sitting on my bed with my fireplace on and music blasting. Biology was really bugging me at the moment because the cell is just stupid. “Ughh.” I groaned. I honestly did not want to be doing this right now. I jumped a bit when my window slammed upward and the bed dipped down at the bottom. “Hey babe.” Liam said to me as he lay down next to me. “Hey.” I could sense he was confused based on how his eyebrows, which I happen to love, scrunched together. “What’s wrong?” I sighed. “Why don’t you ever say I love you?”

“You know I do kenz.”

“Yeah but you have never said it to me before so how am I supposed to know?” He took a long pause like he was thinking of a good thing to say. “You will when you will. The moment will feel right and not forced. I will say it when I’m ready.” Wow. That is nothing like what I was expecting. “Can you stay the night?”

“Yeah. Of course I can Kenz.” And, while he snuggled up to me and hummed me sweet songs in my ear I knew that he was absolutely perfect. Absolutely perfect for me.


Hey guys! This is the update and I hope you guys enjoyed. Next update Wednesday and I can't wait! Alright that is it.

ily all :)


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