Chapter 17

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A week later

Kirstie POV

"Kirstie wake up. It's your first day back since the Sing Off and you have to leave for school in an hour." I hear my mom say. I open my eyes and sit up in bed. "Are you feeling ok? You don't look to good." I nod. "I'm fine. my throats a little sore but  think it's from jamming with the guys so much last nigh." I tell her, but really everything is aching. "Ok, well I'm off to work. Have a good day." I give her a small smile and climb out of bed. I decide I don't want to dress cute, so I grab Avi's sweatshirt, some leggings, and my black UGGs. Once I'm dressed I throw my hair into a bun and put on my microphone necklace. Just then I get a text. When I open it I see that it's from Avi.

'Hey Babe, come outside when you're ready. Love you'

I smile before grabbing everything I need for school and head outside. Outside I find Avi standing in front of a white jeep.

I walk over to him and peck his cheek

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I walk over to him and peck his cheek. "What no real morning kiss?" He asks. I shake my head. "I'm not feeling the best, I don't want to get you sick." I say horsly. "Are you sure you feel like coming?" I nod then gestor to his car. "So what's this?" "My parent's bought me this Jeep. They said to think of it as an early graduation present." He opens the passenger door and I climb in. While driving he looks over at me. "Is that my sweatshirt?" I nod with a smile on my face. "I stole it when we were packing to come home from the Sing off. Do you want it back?" "Nope, it looks better on you anyways." I smile and lay my head against the window.

We pull up at school and head to find the guys. While looking around I feel a weight land on my back and I fall to the ground. "What?" "Hey Kit." Mitch yells. I just groan and lay my head on the ground until he gets up. Once he gets up Avi helps me. "Are you ok Kit you look like crap." "Gee thanks Mitch. And to answer your question I'm not feeling the best at the moment." I say while grabbing my stuff off the ground. "So have you heard anything from Jessie?" Scott asks as we walk into the school. "No not in a few days."


I look down at my phone and see a message from Jessie. "I take that back." I open the message and read it.

'Hi Kirstie this is Brad Jessie's brother, she wanted me to let you know that she was just admitted to the hospital. Don't worry James is with me until she either gets out or you come get him.'

I sigh and run a hand through my hair.

'Hi Brad. Tell Jessie that I hope she is ok and to let me know if I need to James now or see how she turns out.'

"What did she say?" Kevin asks. "Her brother was letting me know she got admitted to the hospital. We're trying to figure out if I need to get him now or later. I'm hoping it's later though. As bad as it sound I haven't gotten his room ready, and I really don't want him to get whatever I have." I say while rubbing my temples. "How about we all come over later, including Tori, Esther, and Matthew to help you get everything for his room his room. That way if you have to get him soon his room is ready." Avi suggest. I nod. "Ok, I have everything already I just need help painting and setting furniture up." Kevin claps his hands together. "It's settled then! We'll be over after school." I Nod before walking off to class.


We walk into lunch and the whole room burst into applause. "There they are. Our school champions, Pentatonix!" The principle announces. "Why don't you sing for us?" He asks. "I don't know, Kir-" I cut off Scott. "Ok, let us just warm up real quick." I turn to the guys and see them looking at me. "Kit, your sick. You shouldn't strain yourself." Kevin says. "I'm fine. If we're eventually going to make it big then I need to learn to work past things like this. Now why don't we do Born to be wild. Since we chose not to do it on the show." They all shrug then we get into place.

We finish and I'm actually surprised my voice didn't give out during it. The room start to clap again. We just smile and go get our lunch.
After school we all head over to house. I explain what all I want done and we get to work.
Hey guys! Hope yall liked it. Did you see Pentatonix new video they posted today!!

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