Chapter 22

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Kirstie POV

We pull up at the house and I grab James out of the back. As soon as we got the medicine earlier we gave him some and it seems to be helping already. "Maybe now you'll take more than a 10 minute nap." I say to him while walking into the house. "Hey honey. Everything ok?" My mom asks. "Hey, James has an ear infection. The doctor gave us some drops to help clear it up." "Aww, poor baby." I give her a small smile. "I'm going to go try and lay him down. I'll be back." I head upstairs and to James' room. "Let's change your diaper real quick." I lay him down on the changing table and quickly get to work.

Once I finish changing him I kiss his forehead and lay him in his crib. I stand there until he closes his eyes. When I get back downstairs I find Avi in the kitchen talking to my mom. "I'm thinking about doing online college if this record deal works out." He tells her. When he mentions college I realize I haven't even thought about it. I sigh and turn head to the living room with out them noticing me. With everything going on I haven't even thought about college. While sitting there I quickly grab my laptop and start looking at online colleges to apply for. "Hey babe. When did you get back down here?" Avi asks while coming into the living room. "About 10 minutes ago." "What are you looking at?" "Online college." I say simply while concentrating on my computer. "Oh." He says before getting up. I sigh and feel bad about my short answers. "Wait Avi. Sorry for being short. It's just I heard you telling my mom about how you want to do online college if the record deal works out, and it made me realize that I haven't even thought about college." I say while laying my head back. Next to me I feel the couch dip. "Well what programs are you looking at?" He asks. I give him a small smile and tell him the few I've looked at.

For rest of the afternoon Avi and look at different online programs. While looking at the last one I hear a knock at the door. I get off the couch and open the door to find the gang standing there. "Hello future Mrs. Kaplan. We have brought you and Mr. Kaplan your homework and books." Mitch says while walking through the door. "Shhh. James is asleep." I say while closing the door. "So why weren't you 2 in school today?" Scott asks while taking a seat on the love seat. "James is sick so we stayed to take him to the doctor." Avi says. "Aww pour baby. What's wrong?" Tori asks. "Ear infection. He was up all night with it hurting him. thankfully we were able to get him to the doctors today. But now we have to find a new doctor." I say while looking over at Avi. "What did you do Avi?" Esther asks. "Believe it or not it wasn't my fault. The lady was telling us how irresponsible we are for having James and almost didn't let us get the medicine. So I yelled about how my son was in pain and took the prescription before telling her that we would find a new doctor for James." Avi says with a shrug. "Aww you called him your son!" Mitch squeals. "Wait that means I'm Aunt Essy!" Esther says excitedly. I laugh "Yes you are." "So why don't we help yall with homework then we all go to dinner?" Kevin suggest. "Ok!" We set everything out and everyone helps explain what the teacher taught.


It takes us just less than an hour to finish everything. We got done at the perfect time because right as I closed my book James lets out a cry from upstairs. "I'll be right back." I say before heading up the stairs. "Hey sweet boy. All your Aunts and Uncles are here." I say while setting him on the changing table. I quickly change his diaper before putting on his baby shoes. We go back downstairs and Tori instantly takes him from me. "There's my little nephew." She says while rocking him back and forward. "Yall ready to head to dinner?" I ask while grabbing James' diaper bag. "Yeah, lets go." Mitch says. We all get in our cars and head to a little café near bye.

"How many?" The hostess asks. "8 and a high chair." Avi tells the lady. She nods and leads us towards the back. "I'll be right back with your high chair." She walks off and Avi takes James' seat from me. "Thanks." I take a seat at the end of the table so I can get to James' easier. "Here is your highchair." She flips it upside down so the car seat fits in it. After Avi sets the seat up he sits down next to me. "Do you all know what you would like to drink?" The lady, who's name is Julie, asks while pulling out her notepad. "Just water." I say. Everyone tells her their drinks and she walks off. "So how was school today? Any new drama?" I ask while looking over my menu. "Nothing new, Amy Flores was caught cheating on her boyfriend Jason. Jeremy was dragged out of the school by security again." I groan. "What he do now?" "Tried to start a fight with Mr. Smith for giving him a bad grade." "Sounds like him." "Alright I have your drinks." Julie says while passing them all out. "Now what can I get you all to eat?" Julie asks. "I'll take a chicken wrap with fries." She nods and quickly write that down before looking at Avi.

After we all order we spend the rest of the night just talking about our future and everything we want to accomplish.


I hope yall like it! But I am sad to say that this story only has 2 more chapters and there will be no sequel😭

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Love yall💚


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