Chapter 20

283 9 3

2 weeks later

Kirstie POV

"I'm sorry sweetie but I can't watch him today." My Mom says. I have been up since 5 trying to find someone to watch James while I go to school. Gram usually would but she had a real bad fall last night. So far I've asked my mom, Avi's parents, and his Aunt that I met a few weeks ago. They said they all had work, which I totally get and wouldn't want them to not go just because I asked. I just really wish I could find someone. Just then Avi comes through the door. "Who's ready for school!" For some reason as soon as he says this I break down. "Woah, Kit what's wrong?" He asks while pulling me into a hug.

It takes me a few minute to calm down enough to talk. "I'm sorry didn't mean to break down like that. It's just been a rough morning. Gram feel last night so she can't watch James and I can't find anyone else. Plus James has been crying through out the night, I think he might be getting sick. I also haven't even started that paper Mr. Jacks wants today." "I'm sorry Kit. I wish you would have told me this sooner. I would have more than willing to come watch James while you write your paper or come over in the middle of the night so you can sleep." I shake my head. "I didn't want to bother you. You've already done a ton is this past month." I say while pecking his lips. "And for that I am thankful." Just then I hear cries coming from upstairs. "He just feel asleep. Like not even 10 minutes before you got here." I say while getting up. But Avi stops me. "I'll get him. You stay here." I nod and sit back down. He heads upstairs and I lean back. A few minutes later he comes back down with a whimpering James. "Oh Baby." I stand up and place my lips on his forehead. "Feels like you have a fever." I turn to look at Avi. "I'm sorry Babe but I don't think I can go to school today." He nods. "Well if your not I'm not." I sigh. "Avi you can't miss school because of me." He shakes his head. "I'm staying because I said I would step up as James' father and that's what I'm going to do." I smile. "Thank you." I peck his lips and take James from him. "Let's go get you a bottle."

While I'm making the bottle I notice James keeps grabbing on his ear. I look at his ear and notice that it is red and swollen. I sigh. "Looks like we're going to have to make a trip to the doctor. I think James has an ear infection." I say to Avi. He nods. "I'll finish feeding him get him ready while you go get dressed." "Thank you." I run up the stairs and to my room. "Lets see." I mumble while looking through my closet. I finally find Gryffindor Quidditch sweater and tights. I throw them on with some black UGGs. Once I'm ready I head back down the stairs and see Avi on the couch. "Yall ready?" "Yeah." He gets up and hands me James. I laugh when I see what he is wearing, a Hogwarts Quidditch onesie. "Looks like we match." I say in a baby voice. I buckle him in the seat and we hop in my car. Since I got James I had to sell my other car, so I got a 2016 Range rover in white.

 Since I got James I had to sell my other car, so I got a 2016 Range rover in white

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"James Maldonado." The nurse calls us and we follow her to the back.  "So what seems to be the problem today?" The nurse asks while weighing James. "Well he's been up and down all night crying then this morning he felt hot and his ear was red and swollen." I explain. She nods and hands me back James before writing everything down. She leads us to another room and says that the doctor will be in, in a few minutes. It doesn't take long for the doctor to come into the room. Of course she gives me a look I've become use to the past few weeks, one of disappointment. I roll my eyes and get on the examining table with James in my lap. She turns James' head slightly and starts looking at his ear. "Well it seems that he has an ear infection. I'm going to write a prescription for ear drops and you can have your mom pick it up." I look at her confused. "Why can't I pick them up? He's my son." "Because the pharmacy doesn't want irresponsible teens picking up the prescriptions." "What do you mean by that?" "Well its obvious that you 2 are no where near responsible if you have him." I go to say something but Avi stops me. "I'll have you know that she is one of the most responsible people I have ever met and you shouldn't judge someone before you hear the whole story. Now you are going to write that prescription and we are going to pick it up because my son is in pain. Then once we have the medicine we are going to look for a new doctor." He says in a low voice before standing up. I follow him up to the front and they give us the paper to get the medicine.


"Are you ok Kit?" Avi asks me. Right now we are on our way home ad I am just starring out the window. What the doctor said really hit me. "I don't know. Do you think I'm irresponsible? I mean I'm 18 with a baby." I say while looking at him. Avi shake his head. "You are no where near irresponsible. Like i told the doctor you are the most responsible person I know. Not many teens would be willing to take care of a baby." I smile and look back at a sleeping James. "Thanks Avi." "No problem." He takes my hand and we head back to my place.


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